Saturday 29 September 2018

{The Sphere [continued (20)]}[24th July 1988]

[Redbook5:229][19880724:2355h]{The Sphere [continued (20)]}[24th July 1988]


The above* is not to suggest that the physical forces came into existence ‘before’ the Physical Universe. The pattern (like a Mandelbrot Snowman) is repeated on many levels, or in many scales; although Time runs from the apex (n=0). It is the 4 Cardinals ** which exist at n=2; the four corresponding forces, if they do correspond, are unlikely to exist before the existence of the Physical Universe within which they are to operate. The Physical Universe may well have developed according to a Pascal’s Triangle of its own – I don’t know; what this*** Pascal’s Triangle describes is the possible evolution of Creation itself as a concept and a Reality in the mind of its Creator.

*[Presumably, [Redbook5:218-239][19880722:2307]{The Sphere}[22nd July 1988]ff]

**[In-line diagram:]




*[[Redbook5:218-239][19880722:2307]{The Sphere}[22nd July 1988] ff]



{The Sphere [continued (19)]}[24th July 1988]

[Redbook5:228-229][19880724:2355g]{The Sphere [continued (19)]}[24th July 1988]


And the Dimension* n=5? Well, frankly I’m not sure it exists; why should it, unless the thing goes on for ever? Four, after all, is a number of some mystical perfection, as is the number of its 16 elements; although 8 is in the Physical Universe actually better than both.

But it may be that in a theoretical n=5 dimension encompassing all the others we construct our Mental Zone** of Social Custom, Religious Devotion, Artistic Practice and Scientific Theory.

*[See last previous entry & ant]

**ref [[Redbook5:227][19880724:2355d]{The Sphere [continued (16)]}[24th July 1988]] 227



Friday 28 September 2018

{The Sphere [continued (18)]}[24th July 1988]

[Redbook5:228][19880724:2355f]{The Sphere [continued (18)]}[24th July 1988]


On the next* stage, n=4, the Ring restricted to 2 spatial Dimensions (as Information) ** (or Band in 3) starts to revolve in opposite directions, Outer and Inner Circles, i.e. Contra-Rotation.

This movement creates the Diagonal points on both edges of the Circle or Ring giving the Circles structure the stable ‘8’ formation. (It presumably also allows points in between, but 8 is the perfect number to represent the distinctions by discrete elements.)***

The Sphere, I speculate, by an analogous process (restricted to 3 spatial dimensions) allows Spin,# which perhaps makes possible the actual solid structure#* of the Physical Universe (and the equivalent for the Spiritual Kingdom?). This distinction of Space (or Volume) and Matter (or Solidity) is not conventional, but seems both possible and helpful.#**

What the Dimension n=4 actually is itself, is another question altogether: it certainly isn’t Time, which has to be the ‘initial’ Dimension n=0 [ie](x0=1) without which nothing else could have happened, and which, like all successive Dimensions etc., has carried on down to each new level. Possibly this 4th Dimension n=4 in itself has something to do with Motion, or Energy. #***

*[[For n=3, presumably. see [Redbook5:225-226][19880724:2355]{The Sphere [continued (13)]}[24th July 1988]]

**See [presumably [Redbook5:229][19880724:2355#]{The Sphere [continued (21)]}[24th July 1988]] 229
[Not sure why Information has to be 2 spatial dimensions, rather then Time + 1 spatial dimension. <20180813>]

***[Why? Not perhaps because of limitations on Human memory? <20180813>]]
[2nd para is marginal addition]

****Alternative (a)
(In the Alternative (a), the diagonals were created at n=3 and the 2 ‘edges’ of the Circle only now.)
[See last previous entry]

#Particle Spin is not necessarily what we understand by physical spin; which, however, we see all around us.

#*[Underlining added later]

#**See N[ew] S[cientist] 880922 No1631 p56: “The Fifth Dimension of Mass” <880929>

#***(and thus not only Matter, but Life; & Us)



Thursday 27 September 2018

{The Sphere [continued (17)]}[24th July 1988]

[Redbook5:227-228][19880724:2355e]{The Sphere [continued (17)]}[24th July 1988]

**Alternative (a)[:]
(The 2-dimensional interpretation of the Power of 3 (on the other alternative) could have filled in the Circle to a state of stability (8) with four more strong (diagonal) equidistant perimeter points – and after these, no further such strong in[-]fillings are (I believe) conceivable. (Creating a second plane into the sphere would of course create 2 cardinals, not 4 diagonals.)

As an alternative, (b) is probably more satisfactory:
Alternative (b)[:]
At n=3 the Circle of 4 cardinals becomes a Ring in 2 spatial Dimensions, with an Outer and an Inner edge; in 3 spatial Dimensions on the inside of the Sphere this is a Band, with the ‘Outer’ Edge towards the Physical Universe and the ‘Inner’ Edge towards the Spiritual Kingdom.

*[See [Redbook5:229][19880724:0100]{The Sphere [continued (21)]}[24th July 1988]]

**[For n=3, presumably. see [Redbook5:225-226][19880724:2355]{The Sphere [continued (13)]}[24th July 1988]]
Or this may happen at n=4 (See over, [[Redbook5:228][19880724:2355f]{The Sphere [continued (18)]}[24th July 1988]] 228.



Tuesday 25 September 2018

{The Sphere [continued (16)]}[24th July 1988]

[Redbook5:227][19880724:2355d]{The Sphere [continued (16)]}[24th July 1988]


What about the ‘Mental Zone’ of Men? Well, it doesn’t ‘actually’ exist – it is our sub-creation, our representation of Reality, and the danger at present arises from the fact that it is losing touch with Reality.*

*{(But see [[Redbook5:229][19880724:2355#]{The Sphere [continued (19)]}[24th July 1988]] p229)}
[& [Redbook5:225][19880724:1443l]{The Sphere [continued (12)]}[24th July 1988], fns]



{The Sphere [continued (15)]}[24th July 1988]

[Redbook5:226-227][19880724:2355c]{The Sphere [continued (15)]}[24th July 1988]


This* is therefore a more ‘perfect’ representation of the Third (or ‘Cone’) Separation** by which the Spiritual Kingdom and the Physical Universe are separated. It is more perfect in that it is more complete, having I believe just what is required and no more as a model (e.g. no room for other ‘Planes’,*** although other Dimensions of course might in theory occur; and in that it follows quite naturally the patterns one would expect without imposing more artificial hierarchies. (That is not to say that the Cone and Pyramid models are not helpful in the right circumstances.)****

*[See last 2 previous entries]

**ref IV.[[Redbook4:317-318][19880112:1805p]{The Skewed Cone}[12th January 1988]&f] 318, etc.
[& [Redbook3:211-214][19870419:1050h](THE STRUCTURE OF TOTALITY)[19th April 1987],ff].]

***(such as [ie (presumably) like] the Spiritual Kingdom & the Physical Universe)

****(e.g. Pascal’s Triangle [sic])
[cf [Redbook5:223][19880724:1443h]{The Sphere [continued (8)]}[24th July 1988]]
[[See [Redbook5:218-239][19880722:2307]{The Sphere}[22nd July 1988]&ff; & esp
[Redbook5:223][19880724:1443g]{The Sphere [continued (7)]}[24th July 1988]]]



Sunday 23 September 2018

{The Sphere [continued (14)]}[24th July 1988]

[Redbook5:226-227][19880724:2355b]{The Sphere [continued (14)]}[24th July 1988]


But this* has immediate and fascinating implications for all points on the Disc Perimeter. The implication, as we move into 3-d[imensions], have to do with the way that connecting links pass across or around (Great Circle?) the Sphere (which I visualise us being on the inside of); and the fact that all points on the Ring are in both hemispheres and equidistant between the Creator and Man (and equidistant from, but nearer to, the Spirit, if you follow my distinctions!

*[See last previous entry]



{The Sphere [continued (13)]}[24th July 1988]

[Redbook5:225-226][19880724:2355]{The Sphere [continued (13)]}[24th July 1988]


*Pascal[‘s Triangle, level] n=3** marks a significant divergence for us – a 3rd dimension (a sphere) on the one hand, but an increased order of complexity when restricted to 2 dimensions (i.e. in information – like this). (One might find the same divergences at each change of stage,*** but this one is easier for us to comprehend.)

My guess is that the sphere – which is ‘hollow’, i.e. real space but not solid in a material sense – enables the cross-connections between different points on the 2-spacial-dimensional perimeter which is apparent in ordinary individuals.****

Immediately, however, a problem becomes apparent – that the sphere is still bisected by the plane (disc), and therefore any such connection must occur on one side or the other.

My speculation (and this is an old one)# is that on one side of the plane is the hemisphere of the Spiritual Kingdom, on the other side (our side as we look at it) the Physical Universe.#* At the Centre towards us is Man; at the Centre away from us is God the Father/Creator; at the Centre Centre is the Spirit. At the ‘top’, of course, is Christ, the Son; at the ‘bottom’ is the Adversary, the Accuser, Satan (also described, in [The Book of] Job I think, as a son of God).#**

*[See [Redbook5:218-239][19880722:2307]{The Sphere}[22nd July 1988]&ff; & esp
[Redbook5:223][19880724:1443g]{The Sphere [continued (7)]}[24th July 1988]]

**[cf [Redbook5:224-225][19880724:1443j]{The Sphere [continued (10)]}[24th July 1988]]
[& see presumably [Redbook5:227-228][19880724:2355e]{The Sphere [continued (17)]}[24th July 1988]]

***[i.e. level, presumably, and value for n (i.e. power.]

****[Cf last previous entry, footnotes, esp 1st fn]
[I think technically the circumference of the circle is one-dimensional, but the plane across it (the disc) is 2-dimensional.]

#[Refs not yet found; probably Vols II/III]

#*It is therefore incorrect, as I have done, to talk of (e.g.) left and right hemispheres of the Circle – they should be semicircles; but each is, of course, a plane of a hemisphere….
[into which the qualities of that semicircle may presumably extend, on a gradually more mitigated and/or merged basis <20180730>.]

#**A Hawking Universe?!



Saturday 22 September 2018

{The Sphere [continued (12)]}[24th July 1988]

[Redbook5:225][19880724:1443l]{The Sphere [continued (12)]}[24th July 1988]


I should like to find out more about the relationship between powers of numbers, which seem naturally to give rise to considerations of dimension in space (e.g. squared for 2-D[imensional], Cubed for 3-d[imensional]), and the co-ordinates which we use to model these dimensions (i.e. x,y,z).*

*[Part of the answer to this and/or other speculations elsewhere in these journals which might seem susceptible of mathematical analysis might be found in the Octonian (8-dimensional) numbers, whose use for plotting co-ordinates in 8-dimensional space (illustrated geometrically by workings around 8 equidistant points on the circumference of a circle) would seem apposite to, for example, the plotting of individual personalities from 8 fundamental types or archetypes. If the observation (in this journal) that there is a qualitative change around n=4** is correct (n=3 giving 8), this suggests interesting possibilities for the transition between Individual personality combinations susceptible to mathematical analysis, and independent consciousness*** which may be essentially subjective**** (and, as Max Planck may or may not have meant, potentially a fundamental property of the Universe). <20180730>]

**[i.e. ^4 (the power of 4). See [Redbook5:223][19880724:1443g]{The Sphere [continued (7)]}[24th July 1988], & earlier speculations which placed this qualitative change around A~, as equivalent to ^4 around the Outer Circle. <20180730>]

***[What is consciousness? Well, perhaps self-awareness, the ability to examine subjectively one’s own ways of thinking, may play a significant part in enabling us to recognise consciousness at a level at which it is of interest to us, and to distinguish it from (for example) machine and lower animal awareness.<20180730> (& see [Redbook5:272-273][19880812:1704f]{In Two Minds [continued (6)]}[12th August 1988]) <20190104>]

****[& see [Redbook5:229][19880724:2355#]{The Sphere [continued (19)]}[24th July 1988]]



Friday 21 September 2018

{The Sphere [continued (11)]}[24th July 1988]

[Redbook5:225][19880724:1443k]{The Sphere [continued (11)]}[24th July 1988]


There is also* a happy fit to the Circles pattern in the apparent number of manifestations now of the four forces, i.e.[:]

[Text from ms diagram(s) shown above:]
Long distance


(Attractive & Repulsive)
No Mass

Weak w+,z0(w0),w-
Strong (1(?))
Strong Force
(Binds nuclei constituents together)
Shorter distance
(shorter than atomic


Weak Force
(Radioactive β decay)
Massive particle

<880803> [– 1st 4 columns above from left as far as and including arrows & ]

but this is even more* speculative, as I do not know enough about the subject to be able to consider it seriously.

*[See last previous entry]

*[+ & -, presumably]

{See earlier Vols[,] e.g. II [eg [Redbook2:159A(-W)][19791021:2000]{Fundamental Forces}[21st October 1979],ff ?];
III [(ref not found)] /
IV [eg possibly [Redbook4:149-152][19871021:1425]{Superstrings and Fundamental Forces}[21st October 1987], ff, esp [Redbook4:151][19871021:1425c]{Superstrings and Fundamental Forces [continued (3)]}[21st October 1987] ].}

