Saturday 27 September 2014

[The Cage of Darkness][29th April 1978]

[Redbook2:117A-C][19780429:2040][The Cage of Darkness][29th April 1978]


The Cage of Darkness

The cage of darkness, golden-barred,
Descending, parts the writhing clouds
Of purple, trembling still unseen
Within the rhythmic drum.
Lights pulsating catch the cage
And cast the shadows multiplied
In long, distorted overlap
Against the cavern wall.
The crowd roars Death! – and stands to see
The shadows move within the cage –
And silent stands, to see the thing
Of Darkness which they made.
The cage sinks to a sawdust floor
Within a steel and silver frame
In which a naked girl-child stands
Bound by her wrists, alone:
A silver circlet binds her hair;
Between her childish breasts, the Cross
Catches the light reflected in
Her quiet glistening tears.
She sees the Darkness caged within,
And turns beseeching eyes upon
The shifting crowd, who murmur from
A blankness of dead eyes.
Her head droops to her golden Cross;
The silence calls the silver gong:
She lifts her chin, and stares into
The blackness of the cage.
The gong! The cage flies open! Wide
The eyes draw out the Darkness: give
The Substance for the Forming, and
The Structure to the Fear.
The Darkness grows enveloping
The golden cage; it spreads across
The sawdust, to the limits of
The steel and silver frame.
The Darkness glows: a shifting fire
Becomes the semblance of an eye,
A dark red Eye which turns throughout
The frame, and finds – the girl.
The Darkness boils, and grows within
The binding steel and silver bars;
The Eye grows bright, and rises, and
Advances on the girl.
The girl stands: with unwavering gaze
Through tears she meets the glowing Eye
Surrounding her with darkness; and –
In darkness it is held:
The glowing, all-consuming Eye
Is held within the girl-child's gaze –
Is met by Certainty, in doubt,
And caught by Love-in-Death.

The Eye's released! The fire stirs:
The flame dissolves, divides and turns:
A hundred flames divide and turn
And glimmer out between the bars:
Ten thousand flames soar darkness out
Over the whimpering, fading crowd:

The girl-child, naked and alone,
Weeps for an end to innocence.



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