[Redbook9:188][19910425:0940]{The Words of God}[25th April 1991]
‘You are therefore asked to read this book with good will and attention and to show indulgence in those places where, notwithstanding our efforts at interpretation, we may seem to have failed to give an adequate rendering of this or that expression; the fact is that there is no equivalent for things originally written in Hebrew when it is a question of translating them into another language; what is more, the Law itself, the Prophets and the other books differ considerably in translation from what appears in the original text.’
‘This forward by the Greek translator is not strictly a part of Si and is not usually considered canonical.’
{Quite so}
* – Si[rach or Ecclesiasticus] 0:15-26 (N[ew] J[erusalem] B[ible])
**Note a. to Si[rach or Ecclesiasticus] 0:0
[(New Jerusalem Bible)]
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