Monday, 20 January 2025

{Northern and Southern ‘Renaissance’ [continued (3)]}[23rd April 1991]

[Redbook9:184-185][19910423:0920h]{Northern and Southern ‘Renaissance’ [continued (3)]}[23rd April 1991]



{The question* is to what extent a flourishing or impulse in visual Art occurred more-or-less simultaneously in northern and southern Europe but was disguised, eg by the different heritages available as a focus for inspiration, or by the manner of expression. Giotto in Italy is contemporaneous with the end of the Romanesque-Gothic transition (c[irca]1150-c[irca]1250[ce]), leading to the full flowering of the Gothic c[irca]1250[ce] (cf 2048J~1280[ce]), which seems to have been much less pronounced in Italy. So[,] is the Southern Renaissance the expression of the same C[ircles] A[nalysis] & S[ynthesis] impulses as the Northern Gothic?}**

*[See last two previous ts journal entries]

**[See last previous ts journal entry but one, [Redbook9:184-185][19910423:0920f]{Northern and Southern ‘Renaissance’}[23rd April 1991]]

***{See [[Redbook9:187][19910424:0902#]{The Renaissance}[24th April 1991],] 187,

[[Redbook9:260-265][19910505:1200#]{‘The Northern Renaissance’}[5th May 1991],] 260}



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