[Redbook9:181][19910422:0825d]{Concentration and Disintegration [continued]}[22nd April 1991]
During this [sic] black few days,* I could not work at the C[ircles] A[nalysis] & S[ynthesis] research. I remember this so well from school and while I was still living at home, when persecution by teachers and other boys (8-16) followed by my parents’ involvement of me in their marital problems (16-32!) pre-occupied my mind with anxiety ** and depression to such an extent that I could not concentrate on work. The clue may be in ‘could not concentrate’: the depression and anxiety had a dissolving, disintegrating effect on concentrated thought. In the later period my mind tended instead to wander into the sort of speculation found in Vol[ume]s I & II of this Journal: the fact that they may ultimately lead to something valuable in more than just the healing of myself, should not conceal the essentially fragmented nature of my thought at that time. Creativity may well involve the coalescence of such fragments. There were, of course, other interrelated factors contributing to my mental state.
*[See last previous ts entry]
[The asterisk is almost certainly not part of the diagram, since a similar single asterisk in the ms text, represented in the ts by a double asterisk(**), refers to it]
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