Saturday 16 December 2023

[Gothic Art (2)(continued (31))][15th March 1991]

[Redbook8:333][19910315:1000l][Gothic Art (2)(continued (31))][15th March 1991]



‘The tradition of clusters of towers around the transepts of a great church is Romanesque in origin, and has an extensive history in northern France and the Empire. The results, where completed (or nearly so, as at Laon), offer an exciting configuration of shapes, and its general abandonment in favour of a simple pair of towers at the west end of a church is hard to understand. The change of fashion was probably confirmed at the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris; in the 13th century, * twin western towers became the norm.’


*cf Gemini at / just after A~?

** – ibid [Encylopaedia of Visual Art 4:] 596



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