Sunday 3 December 2023

[Gothic Art (2)(continued (18)):] High Gothic [continued (3)][14th March 1991]

[Redbook8:328][19910314:1020l][Gothic Art (2)(continued (18)):] High Gothic [continued (3)][14th March 1991]



‘Already, by the end of the 13th century, a style of architecture was being evolved that ultimately developed into the true English equivalent of Rayonnant,* generally known as Perpendicular.’**


*[ref [Redbook8:336-337][19910315:1000t][Gothic Art (2)(continued (39))][15th March 1991];

[Redbook8:326-327][19910314:1020j][Gothic Art (2)(continued (16)):] High Gothic [14th March 1991]]

**(See E[ncyclopaedia] B[ritannica] 13:995 Fig[ure] 44: Fan vaulting)

*** – ibid [Encyclopaedia Britannica 13:] 993

(& see immediately preceding para[graph] on the English Decorated Style)



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