Wednesday 6 December 2023

[Gothic Art (2)(continued (22))][15th March 1991]

[Redbook8:329][19910315:1000c][Gothic Art (2)(continued (22))][15th March 1991]



‘One of the most striking developments of the Gothic period is the thorough secularisation of its artists. Romanesque art is almost certainly ecclesiastically based. But already by the 12th century there is evidence that architects were increasingly secular persons* – and further indications suggest that some even of the more famous monastic craftsmen… may have been secular professionals who entered monastic life at a late age. This does not mean that “ecclesiastical” artists vanish from the scene c[irca]1200[ce]... [but]** The conception of Gothic art as as the product of devout clergymen working to the greater glory of God*** is extremely misleading.’



**[Square brackets per ms, indicating insertion in ms]

***c[ontra]↑# ?(But NB outward spiral)

(& see [[Redbook8:330][19910315:1000d][Gothic Art (2)(continued (23))][15th March 1991] (next ts entry),] p330↓ 1st para[graph]

{& eg beginnings of schism?}

****– ibid [Encylopaedia of Visual Art 4:] 586-587

#[In the ms the shaft of this upward-leading arrow is a clockwise arc, approximately 1/8th of a circle, implying G~]



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