Friday 8 December 2023

[Gothic Art (2)(continued (23))][15th March 1991]

[Redbook8:330][19910315:1000d][Gothic Art (2)(continued (23))][15th March 1991]



‘On all artistic counts, Theophilus belongs firmly to the Romanesque period....; but his principles of work* hold good effectively for all members of all religious communities at all times. A conventual artist must be humble, not proud of his achievement, and not interested in financial reward. For him, the sins of Pride and Avarice** always lie in wait. But humility is not the first quality we normally associate with the great masters, and what we know about Giotto or Henry Yvele suggests that making money and gaining recognition were high on their list of priorities. *** The secularisation of artists is not surprising....’


*’De Diversis Artibus’ (12th century)

**S~, M~

***This makes more sense of J~ in terms of the disintegrating spiral: of economics, cycles, &c.

[ie cf last previous ts entry]

**** – E[ncylopaedia of] V[isual] A[rt] 4:588



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