Saturday 9 December 2023

[Gothic Art (2)(continued (26))][15th March 1991]

[Redbook8:332][19910315:1000g][Gothic Art (2)(continued (26))][15th March 1991]



*‘... During the 13th century [ce] there is increasing evidence of a more detailed interest in the decorative arts from members of royal families. Louis IX of France (St. Louis; reigned 1226-1270) and Henry III of England (reigned 1216-72) are particularly important. Much is known about the interest Henry III took in the decoration of the Palace and Abbey of Westminster, and of his palace at Clarendon, Wiltshire. St. Louis had a major artistic project in the new palace chapel in Paris (the Sainte Chapelle); we also know he started to build up a library of manuscripts. It was a collection his successors continued, and which, by the end of the 14th century, was one of the most impressive in Europe, containing about 1,000 items.’**


*(ref VI.[[Redbook6:3-6][19881008:1400b]{Raymond}[8th October 1988] ]3ff, ‘Raymond’)

**{See [[Redbook8:326-327][19910314:1020j][Gothic Art (2)(continued (16)):] High Gothic [14th March 1991],]


[[Redbook8:338-341?][19910315:1000y]{[Gothic Art (3)]{Saintly Kings}}[15th March 1991],] 338}

***– ibid [Encylopaedia of Visual Art 4:589]



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