Sunday 24 September 2023

{Viking Art}[23rd February 1991]

[Redbook8:290][19910223:1628c]{Viking Art}[23rd February 1991]



‘The great stone raised by Harold Bluetooth in memory of his parents (in Jelling church, Jutland) is historically the most important example of the Mammin style. It can be dated, from an inscription, to 983-5[ce]. On one face is a low-relief carving of the crucified Christ, surrounded by interlocking loops and circles: the first dated Christian monument in Scandinavia. On the other face stands a great “heraldic” beast entangled with a snake. The Jelling stone probably started a fashion for erecting carved stone memorials in Scandinavia[,] which became more common in the 11th century.’

E[ncylopaedia of] V[isual] A[rt] 3:421

[An illustration photocopied in the ms but not reproduced in the ts, captioned: ‘The stone of Gaut Bjornsson carved in the Borre Style (c840-c980). Kirk Michael, Isle of Man’ E[ncylopaedia of] V[isual] A[rt] 3:420, shows what appears to be in effect a relief Celtic cross on complex interlocking braided weave patterns]


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