Wednesday 27 September 2023

{Ottonian Art}[23rd February 1991]

[Redbook8:292-296][19910223:1628f]{Ottonian Art}[23rd February 1991]



‘In all this* a clear sense of harmony is expressed, achieved by balance and the regular repetition of geometric units. It was these qualities of order** and harmony*** that were further developed during the 11th century,**** both within the Ottonian Empire and elsewhere, and were fundamental to the creation of the great Romanesque church.#

‘Indeed, architectural historians usually discuss the beginnings of Romanesque architecture in terms of the abbeys of St. Michael at Hildesheim and Limburg an de Haardt, one founded by St. Bernard of Hildesheim in 1001, the other by the Emperor Conrad II in 1025.’


‘The Ottonian desire to increase the articulation of architecture, to produce a structural sense of order and harmony....’


*(Church of St. Cyriakus, Gernrode, founded 961[ce])





cf Greek cycle 2048A~ff at c[irca]1100-900[bce] – Protogeometric period: Reworking of old forms and patterns with new precision and eye for proportion and design: beginning of Greek classical art.

([– S&C] Booklet, 7.1)

#*– E[ncylopaedia of] V[isual] A[rt] 3:547

#**[– Encylopaedia of Visual Art 3:548]



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