Thursday 25 May 2023

{The History of Western Music [continued (14)]}[5th February 1991]

[Redbook8:222][19910205:1412p]{The History of Western Music [continued (14)]}[5th February 1991]



[Highlighted & annotated extract from ‘The History of Western Music’ ‘The tonal era and after: 1600 to the present’ ‘THE BAROQUE ERA’ ‘The late Baroque]

‘In the works of both Handel and [Johann Sebastian] Bach changes in technique reached a culmination with the clear establishment of the tonal system, allowing for modulation from one key centre to another,* primarily as a device for formal organisation. Rich, chromatic, harmonic language was both reason and result of such a change. The fusion of contrapuntal technique with homophonic style resulted in a distinctive hybrid texture that employed figured bass (homophony) as a foundation for two or more independent melodic lines (polyphony).’




**[Encyclopaedia Britannica 24: 558]

[Underlining per ms]



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