Saturday 27 April 2019

{Auriga}[24th September 1988]

[Redbook5:358][19880924:1235]{Auriga}[24th September 1988]


I have managed to pick up my work on the Booklet again – after a 3+ week lapse around [s]’s Christening – at the half way point of the Outer Circle, just after A~ and before J~: with the speculation that Auriga, the Charioteer or Herdsman (a young man driving a chariot, holding a she-goat followed by two kids) is Dionysus, who also drove a chariot and was accompanied by goat-people. In the Circle pattern, this signifies the period of Dionysian madness which must be channelled by Persean purpose.

{Contra (NB) TVII}

*{In fact, taking all the Dionysian references I can find (Boötes, Leo, Cancer, Taurus, Auriga), Auriga seems to be the culmination of an off-right semicircle as the Dionysian development – the beginning and end of which (Taurus** being a passing reference to childhood) is the Charioteer, whether Boötes or Auriga. This roots the anticipated madness and breakdown of Auriga/Perseus firmly in the initial actions; but Schizophrenia is not included,*** suggesting that it is a malfunction of the system.**** }

**{in the Hyades} [daughters of Atlas, who held up the Heavens in Greek mythology]

***{(except by implication?)}

****(or that it was not regarded as madness) <891011>

[See next entry but one]


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