Thursday 14 September 2017

{Birth dates [continued (9)] – Names}[9th January 1988]

[Redbook4:299][19880109:0947i]{Birth dates [continued (9)] – Names}[9th January 1988]


This* does raise the question of whether names exert more influence than we realise, both on the named** and on the namers (i.e. speakers). It is possible, if the literal*** meaning of names is unconsciously comprehensible in the same way as anything else might be.

*[See last previous entries, [Redbook4:296-298][19880109:0947e]{Birth dates [continued (5)] – Great is Diana}[9th January 1988]ff]

**[i.e. Nominative determinism (per New Scientist. 05/11/1994, Feedback, & 17/11/1994; and for example(s) Carl Jung et al, earlier) <20170914>]

***[or literary, presumably, e.g. in this* case.]



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