Saturday 29 April 2017

{The Transfer of Burdens and the Forgiveness of Sins [continued] – (1) Transfer [continued]}

[Redbook4:206-207][19871210:2315c]{The Transfer of Burdens and the Forgiveness of Sins [continued] – (1) Transfer [continued]}[10th December 1987]


I used, I think, to understand this* as referring only to Christ undergoing Mankind's suffering, as a kind of justification by God to Man of that suffering.** I still think that this is a version of the explanation of how God allows suffering – because he also suffers it – but I do not think {this} is the purpose of it. The transfer of burdens to Christ can be seen in two ways (both describing the same thing):

(1) That Christ accepts the burden of guilt*** we feel for our sins (guilt, of course, requires that somehow, somewhere, we be aware of our sins, presumably by the faculty of conscience; and this has a bearing on the question of whether forgiveness is appropriate where there is no repentance, since repentance is impossible without awareness of sin).

(2) That Christ clears the stain of sin from our Souls.

The link joining these two descriptions into one is (I guess) that the guilt we feel may be the psychological manifestation of the stain on the Soul. In terms of Light, ****the stain on the Soul comes between us and the Light of the Spirit of God at the Centre, giving rise to the darkness of guilt.

*[i.e. the notion of Christ accepting the burden of Men's sins – see last previous entry.]

**[& cf. Carl Jung, “Answer to Job”.]

***[“Guilt” in this context I think can mean not only the state of being guilty but also the state of feeling guilty. Cf. last previous entry, ***fn, especially re contemporary connotations of words such as these.]

****{ref [presumably, [Redbook4:106-109][19871005:2320i]{The Life-line}[5th October 1987],] 106}



{The Transfer of Burdens and the Forgiveness of Sins – (1) Transfer}[10th December 1987]

[Redbook4:206-211][19871210:2315b]{The Transfer of Burdens and the Forgiveness of Sins – (1) Transfer}[10th December 1987]


[W] and I have often commented on the fact that if one of us is feeling low, and the other one isn't – after a while the other will notice, and offer comfort, and the one who is low will talk about it: after which very frequently the one who was low becomes {…} well, not 'high' exactly – that has unfortunate connotations – but his* burden most definitely is lightened and he goes away with a spring on his steps and a smile on his lips – while the one who was quite untroubled begins to feel rather low.

This actual and recurring experience of the psychological transfer of burdens, arising I guess out of Love** (as it is hard to see how else one could accept the burden), has interesting parallels with the notion of Christ accepting the burden of Men's sins.***

*or her, of course.

**{(i.e. at the Transformation Point)}

***[The use of the word “sin” has unfortunate resonances at present, including prescriptive and sometimes arbitrary “moral” judgements, censure and punishment delivered from a subjectively claimed “superior” position. The word is I think used in these journal entries because no better way (“evil” and “wrong” for example describing different aspects of the Separation) can be found to describe succinctly something which is in this model “terrifyingly objective”**** – see e.g. [Redbook4:99][19871005:0940d]{[The Dynamic Independence of Angels [continued (3)]] -- Good Spirits, evil spirits, and Men [continued]}[5th October 1987]; & [Redbook4:180][19871129:2107d]{The Weight of Sin (1)}[29th November 1987]ff ]

****[[Redbook4:181][19871129:2107g]{The Weight of Sin (1) [continued (4)] – Staining the Soul}[29th November 1987] ]



Tuesday 25 April 2017

{Church Suicide}[10th December 1987]

[Redbook4:205][19871210:2315]{Church Suicide}[10th December 1987]


It was a strange (and sad) coincidence that earlier this week I was working in the garden when an unbidden thought came into my mind: Should I commit suicide? – No; because suicide is wrong for a Christian. As is the way of unbidden thoughts, it seemed, at the time, quite natural: only later did I question its appropriateness, since I was quite content at the time, and do not consider suicide a realistic option even when I am not.

As this week's postman does not deliver newspapers – having had an argument with the Newsagent – we did not hear until the evening news on the television what everybody else presumably knew that morning: that a senior clergyman of the Church of England – who had written an anonymous critique of the Church (and of the Archbishop of Canterbury's leadership in particular)* for Crockford's,** the official directory of clergy etc.*** – had committed suicide, probably some time on Monday.

Suicide by a senior clergyman is somehow shocking in a special way. Presumably, as an Anglo-Catholic, he might have subscribed to the traditional view that suicide is a sin.

*[[Redbook4:195-196][19871204:0100b]{The Wings of the Church}[4th December 1987]]

**[Crockford's Clerical Directory (1988, presumably).]

***? [Yes – “Crockford's Clerical Directory: The definitive guide to Anglican clergy and churches in the Church of England, the Church of Ireland, the Church in Wales and the Scottish Episcopal Church, with biographies of over 27,000 Anglican clergy dating back to 1968.” (–]


{Virtues and Vices (4)*}[7th December 1987]

[Redbook4:204][19871208:0111]{Virtues and Vices (4)*}[7th December 1987]


Perhaps the most important alternative to opposites of Virtues, Vices etc. is their negatives, or lacks. Anxiety, for example, indicates a lack of Fortitude (and note that in the statistical surveys it tends to found at J~, where are T.XI**, and the Virtue, Fortitude).*** ****(Fear may be justified where anxiety should be forbidden: Fear of the Lord may be right, but Anxiety of (or over) the Lord demonstrates a lack of Faith).

Brutality (looked for at U~) indicates a lack of Justice.

For Vices, similarly, each must be absent, although the radial relationship is unclear.***

*[[Redbook4:3][19870705:1745b]{Virtues and Vices (1)}[5th July 1987];
[Redbook4:13-14][19870707:1000]{Virtues and Vices (2)}[7th July 1987];
& especially [Redbook4:197-198][19871206:1235]{Virtues and Vices (3)}[6th December 1987].]

**[Fortitude (in some packs this is swapped with TVIII Justice).]

***[! – So what exactly is being suggested here re birthdate characteristics statistics?]

****ref [[Redbook4:197-198][19871206:1235b]{Virtues and Vices (3) [continued]}[6th December 1987],] 198


{The Noble Eightfold Path}[7th December 1987]

[Redbook4:204][19871207:2354]{The Noble Eightfold Path}[7th December 1987]


Of course! –


Right Concentration

cf “Gift”: Grace
cf. Unity/Union


cf Gift: Wisdom
cf. Love
Right View

Right Mindfulness
cf Gift: Fear of the Lord
cf. Harmony
cf Gift: Understanding
cf. Revelation
Right Thought
Right Endeavour
cf Gift: Righteousness
cf. Inner Action
cf Gift: Counsel
cf. Creation
Right Speech

Right (Mode of) Living
cf Gift: Knowledge
cf. Evolution

cf Gift: Might
(cf. Diversity)

Right Action


[(\\) – In the ms this is two 45o downward-sloping dashed lines between square brackets aligned across their ends, possibly signifying a conjectured logical break.]

The Noble Eightfold Path*

*of Buddhism.


{Angelic Principle, and Angelic Vices}[7th December 1987]

[Redbook4:203][19871207:0200]{Angelic Principle, and Angelic Vices}[7th December 1987]


Why (or How) are Angels associated* with Outer Principles and Archangels with Vices?**

I guess (bearing in mind that the same Angelic Spirit may manifest itself at different 'levels') that it may have something to do with Outer Principles (e.g. Distraction, Complication) manifesting themselves through collective structures,*** and Vices (e.g. Charity [sic – see footnote]****, Lechery) primarily through Individuals.#

In [2], Vices tend to turn up in connection with their Archangelic Archetypes – e.g. Gluttony in xP, and a hint of Lechery in xL.

*{(ref. [[Redbook4:144-145][19871020:2058b]{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (20)]}[20th October 1987],] 144-5.)}

**No longer. <891003>.
I don't think this association had any great value.... <880806>

***(e.g. Revolutionary movements; Corporate bodies; & Nations.)

****[Sic – presumably must be an absent-minded substitution for e.g. Envy, since Virtues are not included in this discussion (ref. *, above).]

#{i.e. Angels tend to come collectively, Archangels individually.}


{Religious Properties [continued (3)]}[6th December 1987]

[Redbook4:202-203][19871206:2355c]{Religious Properties [continued (3)]}[6th December 1987]


*I think that some Hindu ascetics, many Sufis, most Buddhists, and all Christian mystics would tend to agree that Religion is about the Inner life rather than the Outer World, even though its workings in the former may come to affect the latter. The religious life is lived primarily in the Spiritual Kingdom: the Material World is of secondary importance, and exists only to support the Inner life. To my mind, this is an essential validating sign of any religion.

The Jewish religion is, as the Pope said,** our elder brother, the primary origin of our own religious understanding. But elder brothers can be wrong.*** The Jews, of all people, should know that the Spiritual Kingdom can be entered independently of the Secular Realm.

Any religion which holds as a part of its doctrine the possession of a piece of the Material World must cast, to that extent, doubt upon its own validity.****

*[See last previous entry.]

**[During Pope John Paul II's discourse during his visit to the Rome Synagogue on 13 April 1986 (, & in August 1987, in (?) a letter to Archbishop John L. May of St. Louis, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, shortly before the Pope's visit to the United States ( – (for example?)]

***(I know – I am one.)

****So far as the Holocaust# is concerned: in a nutshell, it seems that Christians want to identify themselves with the Jews, but Jews want Christians to identify themselves with the Nazis. <880307>

#[See last previous entry but one, [Redbook4:200-203][19871206:2355]{Religious Properties}[6th December 1987].]


Sunday 23 April 2017

{Religious Properties [continued]}[6th December 1987]

[Redbook4:201-202][19871206:2355b]{Religious Properties [continued]}[6th December 1987]


Without spelling out the connection*, Everyman** referred to the problem many Christians have with the Jewish political (or Zionist) attitude to the land of Palestine, in the light of both the Nazi experience and the general trend of Western history.*** There is a connection, in that the Jewish culture and religion sometimes seems to be characterised by insecurity over assets, whether religious or material. This insecurity would be understandable in a community which has suffered what the Jewish community has suffered throughout recorded history. It might be more tactful to avoid upsetting Jewish religious feelings**** until after the death of the last Jewish person who lost a relative during his lifetime – and, indeed, the last survivor – in the Holocaust.

So far as material assets are concerned, many Jews seem to believe that they are still entitled to Israel by God's promise. This is open to interpretation even in the light of the Old Testament.

But in more general terms, the same problem arises in relation to Sikh pressure for Khalistan: not God's promise, in that case, I think, but the support of material objectives by religious beliefs.#

It is not much use saying that Christianity doesn't (assuming it doesn't) think God's promise covers Israel's present position: only general principles of religious awareness can assist.

*{(which may not have been intended in any case)}

**[Television programme – see last previous entry.]

***Particularly pertinent in the light of current Palestinian unrest and Israeli policing methods. <880307>

****regarding the Holocaust.

#(Fundamentalist Islam and extreme Protestantism sometimes show signs of this tendency a well.)



Saturday 22 April 2017

{Religious Properties}[6th December 1987]

[Redbook4:200-203][19871206:2355]{Religious Properties}[6th December 1987]


I have just been watching the Everyman programme on the canonisation of Sister Teresia [sic] Benedicta,* née Edith Stein, who was murdered** in Auschwitz/Birkenau as a Jewish convert to Roman Catholicism.

There is a problem when religions try to understand each other. Nothing could seem more natural to a Christian than to pray at the scene of Human suffering; and some (or one) of the Jewish 'talking heads' agreed that prayer, in the right spirit, could be appropriate. But the photographing of happy Confirmation parties in the S.S. Headquarters at Birkenau was disconcerting, and some (or one) of the Jewish 'talking heads' seemed to think that the canonisation was part of a process of hi-jacking the Holocaust.

This presumably rests on the idea that the Holocaust is something specifically Jewish. In a historical sense, the extermination camps did not only [] murder Jews.*** But even if they had, one must ask whether human suffering can be the property of one nation, religion, culture or race.

The aid given to Ethiopian famine victims arises from the assumption that their suffering is not an exclusively Ethiopian experience: it is something that touches us all; that we feel, not directly but with an inner sense; and that we are called upon by that inner sense – Con-science, the ability to know the Spirit of God {(}and thus to recognise evil{)}, working through and with other faculties and Virtues – to help reduce. It seems that Christians see suffering as common property, and that Jews do not – perhaps.

*[Edith Stein, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, 1891-1942, born into an observant Jewish family, apparently became an atheist by her teenage years, was baptised into the Roman Catholic faith in 1922, admitted to the Discalced (“Barefoot”) Carmelite monastery in Cologne in 1933, and received the religious habit of the Order as a novice in April 1934.]

**[on 9 August 1942.]

***{cf. Gypsies}



Thursday 20 April 2017

{Sense and Sensibility (2) [continued]}[6th December 1987]

[Redbook4:200][19871206:1935]{Sense and Sensibility (2) [continued]}[6th December 1987]


“Prophecy” above* does not necessarily mean telling the future. It is the direct and clear link between God and Man.

Natural Scientists, concerned with predictability, and with approaches to objective reality, belong at S~. Social Scientists (despite their use of statistics) do not belong here, but (I guess) at R~, where predictability is less important than judgement (not in the sense of T.XX, but in the sense Wisdom).
(This is assuming that I correctly understand the role of Social Scientists).**

*[See last previous entry.]

**I don't think I do. <880806>
{cf. later – to c.U~.}


{Sense and Sensibility (2)}[6th December 1987]

[Redbook4:199-200][19871206:1235e]{Sense and Sensibility (2)}[6th December 1987]


The placement of Con-science with +C†I~ requires a revision of 'Sense and Sensibility'* (not too forced I hope):-



(Primarily between Individuals under God)
(“Horizontal” ESP?)
(“Vertical” ESP?)
(Primarily between God
& the Individual)


Extra-Sensory Perception



Sensory Perception




*{ref [[Redbook4:187][19871129:2107s]{Sense and Sensibility (1)}[29th November 1987],]187.}

**{(cf. [[Redbook4:212][19871210:2315#]{Intuition, Intellection & Conscience}[10th December 1987],] 212).}

***cf. [[Redbook4:234][19871216:2211]{Prophecy & Intellection, Wisdom & Intuition}[16th December 1987],] 234.
But see VI. 256. [And see next entry re the meaning of 'Prophecy'.]

****I think it is very likely that Hearing & Sight should be reversed. <880825>



Tuesday 18 April 2017

{The Qualities of [+C†I~] [continued]}[6th December 1987]

[Redbook4:199][19871206:1235d]{The Qualities of [+C†I~] [continued]}[6th December 1987]


– Another attempt at the +C†I~ order:


{(Not really a Quality)}
(was Grace or Truth (or Omniscience))
(the Ability to recognise God (and Evil))


Outer Principles




God is Good”
(was Truth – which seemed at the time
less of a Virtue than a (or the) Fact.)



Gifts (of the Spirit)

(was Holiness – this is perhaps more specific.


Holiness ?
[└]Is Holiness a general term?)

Inner Principles
Unity (One-ness)

(Despite the order,


this is not a sequential progress --

e.g. Grace does not depend on Goodness.)





(“God has healed”)



(cf.: Gabriel: 'Man-strong-God')
Wheels {Degrees}*

[(& cf. ]Michael: 'Who is like the Lord')







(Clear Light)



(cf. III.[...]***: The Quality of Absolute Truth)


(+cf. 140)****


[In the ms: → slopes up left to right on the left side, and down left to right on the right side; ← slopes up right to left on the right side, and down right to left on the left side; Ͻ is a reversing curve left → right to right → left. (This may make more sense if C†I~ is imagined as the upside/top of the Circle, although that is not shown in the ms.)]

*[Wheels changed to Degrees <880818>.]


***[[Redbook3:169-172][19870411:2200]{Archetypes and Qualities(1)}[11th April 1987]ff;
[Redbook3:188-189][19870414:1003f](BELIEF AND KNOWLEDGE (2) [continued(6)])[14th April 1987]ff;

****[[Redbook4:140][19871019:2045]{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (17): Cherubim again]}[19th October 1987];
[Redbook4:140-141][19871019:2045b]{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (18): Seraphim again]}[19th October 1987].]
