Saturday 25 May 2024

{The Path (Tariqah) [continued]}[10th April 1991]

[Redbook9:65][19910410:1202b]{The Path (Tariqah) [continued]}[10th April 1991]




‘The symbolism of wine, cup and cupbearer, first expressed by Abū Yazīd al-Bistāmī in the 9th century,* became popular everywhere, whether in the verses of the Arab Ibn al-Fārid, or the Perian ‘Iraqi, or the Turk Yunus Emre, and their followers. The hope for the union of the soul with the divine had to be expressed through images of human yearning and love. The love for lovely boys ** in which the divine beauty manifests itself – according to the alleged Hadith “I saw my Lord in the shape of a youth with cap awry” – was commonplace in Persian poetry.’



**cf C – [+C]

***– ibid. [Encyclopaedia Britannica 22:] 22 (immediately following [last] previous extract)



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