Tuesday 14 May 2024

{Satan’s Pride}[9th April 1991]

[Redbook9:59][19910409:1553d]{Satan’s Pride}[9th April 1991]



‘According to the Qur’ānic teaching, the being who became Satan (Shaytān* or Iblīs) had previously occupied a high station but fell from divine grace by his act of disobedience in refusing to honour Adam when he, along with other angels, was ordered to do so. Since then, his work has been to beguile man into error and sin. Satan is, therefore, the contemporary of man, and Satan’s own act of disobedience is construed by the Qur’ān as the sin of pride.** Satan’s machinations will cease only on the last day.’


*[According to other interpretations, it seems that Shaytān may also/alternatively be a general description of devils, of whom Iblīs is leader]


cf ‘Lucifer’


*** – ibid. [Encyclopaedia Britannica 22:7]


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