Saturday 28 October 2023

{Romanesque Art [continued (11)]}[6th March 1991]

[Redbook8:309][19910306:0930n]{Romanesque Art [continued (11)]}[6th March 1991]



‘After 950[ce] the excellent construction, the grand scale, the assured design, the increasingly capable use of masonry vaulting, and the increasingly rich and appropriate use of foliate and figural sculpture showed that the initial period was over and that a noble, new Romanesque style had come into existence (fully, by 1050[ce]). The greatest works in the Romanesque style date from the period 1075-1125[ce], the classic age of Romanesque, so to speak; after this, in some regions, the style entered a florid “Baroque” phase that lasted a generation and then was revivified as Gothic.

‘The coming eclipse of Romanesque may first be sensed in new structural developments that began about 1090[ce].’


*– E[ncyclopaedia] B[ritannica] 13:986



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