Thursday 5 October 2023

{Roman Architecture [continued ][– Design]}[27th February 1991]

[Redbook8:298][19910227:1458d]{Roman Architecture [continued ][– Design]}[27th February 1991]



Design. The pervasive Roman predilection was for spatial composition – the organisation of lines, surfaces, masses, and volumes in space.* In this the Romans differed from their predecessors in the ancient Mediterranean world, and, however freely they used the elements of earlier styles, in Rome or in the provinces, they recast them according to their own taste.’


*cf left & right side of brain – M~ semicircle = ‘male’ side = spatial manipulation, &c.

** – ibid [Encyclopaedia Britannica 13:] 966

[& see [Redbook8:299][19910302:1808b][Spatial Composition][2nd March 1991] (next ts entry but one]


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