Monday 2 October 2023

{Hellenistic Architecture}[27th February 1991]

[Redbook8:297-298][19910227:1458]{Hellenistic Architecture}[27th February 1991]


‘Except for the growth of portraiture, however, the mood in the arts during the Hellenistic period* was to intensify and elaborate styles developed by classical Greece. Palatial architecture aimed at effects never contemplated hitherto; and even domestic architecture for the first time had palatial pretensions. Trade and the newly acquired resources of the East opened up new possibilities for the artist, in both materials and inspiration; the results, however, generally tended towards elaboration and grandeur such that the finer qualities of balance and precision characteristic of earlier periods are often difficult to discern in later works.

‘The classic from of the Doric temple was out of favour in the new age, and the few that were built are elaborate in plan and detail, impairing the sober quality of the order. This was an age to appreciate the Ionic and the more flamboyant Corinthian forms....


*[ie circa 323bce – circa 30bce]


**E[ncyclopaedia] B[ritannica] 13:965



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