Saturday 12 August 2023

{The Altar of Peace}[16th February 1991]

[Redbook8:261-263][19910216:1220f]{The Altar of Peace}[16th February 1991]



‘Few compositions so clearly challenge us with the basic problems of Roman Art as the “Ara Pacis”.* It is supremely harmonious, and marries baroque and classicizing tendencies with great skill. It is the consummate expression of the Roman mission. “**to spare the conquered and to put down the proud”.*** The historical context of its erection is known. Yet, for all that, it is the work of Greeks and unknown Greeks at that.’


*(Altar of Peace)

**(“to impose the way of peace, ”)

[See next entry but one for full translation]

***(Erected to celebrate the way of peace after more than a generation of violence)

**** – E[ncylopaedia of] V[isual] A[rt] 2:183



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