Wednesday 16 August 2023

{Antinous}[19th February 1991]

[Redbook8:265][19910219:1155]{Antinous}[19th February 1991]


The Emperor Hadrian’s – and his sculptor’s – fixation on the young man Antinous* as the perfect type, appearing as Apollo Dionysus, Hermes, Asklepios and Sylvanus, may be seen as an example of the 2048C-S~ influence, with strong i[nner] c[ircle] (S~-C) resonances: ‘The type of Antinous with its cascading hair, delicate features, and expression of brooding melancholy is unforgettable, blending the Classical ideal with something more individual and particular’.** ‘Winckelmann called [the Antinous Mondragone] “the glory and crown of sculptures in this age as well as in all others”.’


*drowned 130CE

(Roman 1025J~)


cf Cézanne’s [recurrent] female [& male] bathers, c?1877-1906ff?

(T[imes] L[iterary] S[upplement] 19910215:12)

** – E[ncylopaedia of] V[isual] A[rt] 2:194

*** – ibid [Encylopaedia of Visual Art 2:194]

(See illus[tration ref at] [[Redbook8:269][19910219:1155h]{[Antinous as Apollo]}[19th February 1991],] 269)


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