Tuesday 1 November 2022

{Direct, Mediated and Dependent Degrees}[6th December 1990]

[Redbook8:121][19901206:2353]{Direct, Mediated and Dependent Degrees}[6th December 1990]



I speculate that:

– in C[ircles] A[nalysis] & S[ynthesis], at least as applied to human individual and collective psychology:


(1) C-type manifestations tend to be primary expressions of the C[ircles] A[nalysis] & S[ynthesis] pattern, emanating directly from the impulses of the pattern, These would be, for example, religious revivals; although they would not necessarily occur all at C, they would tend to be precisely located according to their precise nature.

(2) M~-type manifestations would be secondary, ie both direct and mediated (and thus distorted) into action through the Human will. Political authority and military campaigns are good examples of the M~-type. #|(The regularity would be between those of C and A~)|#

(3) A~-type manifestations would be tertiary, ie both direct & mediated, & dependent upon the actual consequences of direct expressions and mediated actions. #|Economics is the example of this.|# #*Their irregularity would be greater than that of M~, and of course of C.

(4) G~-type manifestations would (probably) be unclassifiable on this scale, since the circle here bends back towards C: they would be further than A~, but equal to M~, and returning to C. Art should be the typical and greatest example of this.

*(2nd** trip to London – & 1st to [C], to see [the woodlands] devastated by the Great Storm of 1987,*** which they[y] said they thought hit harder there than anywhere else, and again in January 1990; and to see my father, after 4 years.)

**[cf [Redbook8:40][19901020:0835]{The Integrated Cycle}[20th October 1990]fn=*]

***[See Redbook4:245-246][19871220:0000c]{The Weatherman}[20th December 1987]

****[cf eg [Redbook8:40][19901020:0835]{The Integrated Cycle}[20th October 1990]&f]

#|[Inserted from text in margin by reference mark & insertion mark]|#

#*(As stated earlier [])

#**{cf [[Redbook8:125-6][19901213:0050]{(Insular Cycles and Interference ‘Patterns’) – Left and Right Conflict (5)}[13th December 1990],] 126}


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