Wednesday 30 June 2021

{Not The Name of the Rose}[5th July 1990]

[Redbook7:165][19900705:0045]{Not The Name of the Rose}[5th July 1990]



It’s only fair (to me) to say, ref. [Umberto] Eco’s comments on paranoid interpretation,* that I did wonder (when I analysed** his plan of the ‘Name of the Rose’ library in C[ircles] A[nalysis] & S[ynthesis] terms) whether I was walking right into it – setting myself up with his first article, to make an example of myself for his second. Perhaps Eco is so clear about this because – fiction-creator that he is, as well as a scholar – he sees traces of ‘paranoid’(?) schizophrenia in himself? – at least, a highly associative unconscious.

What a splendid obsession!

*{ref T[imes] L[iterary] S[upplement] 19900629:694}

**[[Redbook7:158-159][19900623:1455c]{The Name of the Rose?}[23rd June 1990]ff,] p158-9


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