Tuesday 15 June 2021

{The Name of the Rose?}[23rd June 1990]

[Redbook7:158-159][19900623:1455c]{The Name of the Rose?}[23rd June 1990]



Umberto Eco’s article in this week’s T[imes] L[iterary] S[upplement]* hints interestingly at the possible ‘hidden’ channel in Greek thought, derived from earlier cultures, which may** have carried this kind of influence*** – on Jesus, and maybe also on the Kabbalists.**** I suspect that this ‘hidden stream’ may intrigue him more than the ostensible reason for writing about it (ie parallels in modern literary theory) – I suspect this # because of the curious diagram of the tower library in ‘The Name of the Rose’, and the curiously stark dead-ended way Eco describes a journey through it, as if the description justified itself, which, in purely literary terms, it doesn’t.#*

*Umberto Eco, ‘After Secret Knowledge’, T[imes] L[iterary] S[upplement] 19900622-28 p666.

**(My speculation, not Eco’s)

***[See last previous entry]

****[See last two previous entries, [Redbook7:157-158][19900623:1455]{The Polarisation Shift [continued(4)][: The Kabbalists’ Tree}[23rd June 1990] &f]

I can never remember how to spell them [– the Kabbalists].

#partly! <900703>

#*ref ‘The Name of the Rose’, Umberto Eco, p320 & 321 (Picador 1984)

[But see next entry but one, [Redbook7:159][19900623:1455e]{The Name of the Rose? [continued (2)]}[23rd June 1990]]



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