Tuesday 1 October 2019

{Writing Circles}[15th March 1989]

[Redbook6:115-116)][19890315:2020b]{Writing Circles}[15th March 1989]


Whether or not this* is useful, the idea* arose out of a vague pattern relating to the art of writing: which, broadly speaking, may be said to begin with creation myths, laws, and the recording of history (Outer Action), and proceed through the development of more personal narratives of the complications and distractions of individuals’ lives (eg the nineteenth-century novel – and, I suppose, Law Reports) to a stage of fragmentation and revolution in modernist and post-modernist writing, in which we find ourselves in this century. The relative success of female authors at these later stages is appropriate.

From novels of various techniques concerned with the individual and his (or her) disintegration in the flux of Society, it is possible to envisage a change to a stage of extreme simplification (naive sibylline writing) after which in crisis the form divides in two: round again to Law (eg statement of principle), or back through Love to Revelation…. At the early stage after Crisis, it may be hard to distinguish these two forms: indeed both may appear in the same book. But sooner or later, one or other is likely to predominate.

I speculate that I am writing the naive sibylline fictions which must develop and engage in due course with Crisis, and return through Love.

*[See last previous entry]


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