Friday 12 December 2014

{Fundamental Forces [continued(17)]:The Complexity Table}[23rd October 1979]

[Redbook2:159Q-R][19791023:1345]{Fundamental Forces [continued(17)]:The Complexity Table}[23rd October 1979]


Men long for the ultimate Order, Attraction, Love from which they are exiled, made manifest in +C: +C in turn made manifest in their sense that All is One, but (in sensory terms) also inevitably by the particular aspects of the electro-magnetic phenomena, representing +C, to which +Mk immediately gives rise. This paradox itself is essential, and symbolically significant: if +C is the One of “All is One”, so +Mk (as we see it) gives rise to the All: the infinitely dimensioned pulse acting on (and from) +C's none-dimensional point. The only ultimate attainment of +C is through Death, hence +C is the spiritual aspect of Death, and Men love [+C]; but Death is a physical process, part of the physical Life-cycle of +Mk, and +Mk thus represents the physical nature of (and reaction to) Death, so Men fear [+Mk]. This is ironic and perhaps unfair, since the physical Death process itself seems to represent the effect on Distraction's diverse complexity of Attraction's counter-acting tendency towards simplicity. Perhaps this is why the dying, recognising this, often become reconciled to Death at the last moment.



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