Sunday 13 April 2014

{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]}[23rd August 1974]

Redbook2:51][19740823:1135]{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]}[23rd August 1974]

Friday 19740823.1135

            On Wednesday we drove to Sinoia; A to speak to farmers, X and [M][a young soldier] to see *Lance Smith’s farm (where M’s father works), and myself to the caves – a most beautiful lake of blue water in a deep crater.  Trying to go down the Dark Cave, I came to a point where I could see neither forward nor back, and could hear only bats squeaking; and the handrail ended.  So I returned to the farmers, to [collect] A; there I met an Old [School]ian whose wife invited us to stay with them on the way to or from Kariba.  At Smith’s farm M’s Afrikaner father gave us a marvellous meal.  We returned late; X and I recovering from sore throats (probably from dust) ever since.

* [A government minister – sometime Minister for Internal Affairs]


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