Saturday 26 April 2014

{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]}[9th September 1974]

[Redbook2:57][19740909:0725b]{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]}[9th September 1974]

Monday 19740909.0725

            Very early on Saturday A and I took a Rhodesian Air Force Dakota from Sarum to Inyanga (sp[elt]?) Airstrip.  I saw the sun come up over this beautiful Martian landscape, from the Flight Deck.  To land we flew at c.50 feet over a range of hills, circled between two ranges to lose height, flew over the next range and half-circled again to land.  We were the first Dakota (or similarly large aircraft, I think) to land there.

            We picked up about 30 Africans and took them on to Centenary.  A had told me that I was her photographer; this was in fact for the Press’s benefit, but I had a bad conscience for most of the day, especially since we were accompanied by a Special Branch man!

            At Centenary the Africans were given talks by the local chiefs, and were shown the victims and the dead terrorists – by now (4 days) very dead.

            We returned in a Police Reserve truck, with armed and ready Reservists.



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