Friday 22 November 2013

{Imperial Aftertaste}[13th September 1972]

[Redbook1:262-263][19720913:2353]{Imperial Aftertaste}[13th September 1972]

Wednesday 197209132353.

            Perhaps British imperialism and power is a more lasting reality to certain nations of the World than it is to us ourselves ... as may be European Imperialism.

            Egypt expels Russians and asks for British defensive weapons before amalgamation with Libya.

            King Hassan of Morocco -- in a broadcast which has reversed my opinion of him -- wishes his English friends well.  (He must feel the need of friends!)

            President Amin accuses the British of a plot to assassinate him and overthrow (?) his government.

            I think that in many countries, particularly those near Europe, a traditional respect of the European empires and particularly of the British Empire -- as an enemy or as a friend -- has combined with awareness of developments within the European Community, so as to change the necessary international priorities of these countries already.

            Put another way: the prospect of the old Empire-builders finally uniting in a generally benevolent and potentially powerful grouping is giving many governments second thoughts.  The adherents of Britain to the Six may finally make credible for them the concept of a United Europe.  Many people remember the world-wide might and police function of the British Empire, and they may wonder, remembering this, what the new Europe will do in its own neighbourhood.

            To some people it may seem in simple terms that the old British Empire and its values are being given new teeth, new power, and new influence.

            So far as foreign policy is concerned, they may turn out to be some truth in that....


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