Tuesday 11 June 2013

{European Futures}[20th January 1971]

[Redbook1:194-195][19710120]{European Futures}[20th January 1971]


            Political integration: First the four must leave the ten and join the Six to make a new, closer Ten of 250 million people....  Over the next few decades we shall assimilate those remaining of the old ten, E[uropean] F[ree] T[rade] A[ssociation], who do not join with us, and any others who wish to join and are acceptable to us; the rest in this area known as Western Europe we shall negotiate part-membership with, but I doubt if there will be many....

            And then for the rest: Eastern Europe needs a subtle approach.  Assuming that Russia's rate of progress does not change too drastically, we shall gradually hive them off from Russia's sphere and into our own -- not by political manoeuvrings, or at least not until all else is accomplished, but by trade and communication: our technology and trade will draw away their economy, and our television, radio and films, their people.  To their governments, equal membership in a huge democracy may be more interesting and attractive than minority membership a large dictatorship.


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