Friday 22 March 2013

{The Bugle and the Star}[28th June 1970]

[Redbook1:166][19700628:1310]{The Bugle and the Star}[28th June 1970]

28th June 1970.
1.10 pm

            I remember, from a chance pattern on a bugle, a time several summers ago: The [School] Tattoo, ending in darkness with Crimond* and the Last Post; and as the band grew quieter and the first notes of the Bugle rang out, I saw amidst the blazing, whispering firmament of stars one star that sank into the South, moving with such silent, assured power between the stars that I shall never forget that time: a satellite spinning soundlessly through the heavens and the Last Post, to vanish behind the trees.

*[The Lord’s my Shepherd]

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