Tuesday 11 June 2024

{The Law (Shariah) [continued (7)] – Speculation}

[Redbook9:6-70][19910411:0935g]{The Law (Shariah) [continued (7)] – Speculation}[11th April 1991]



What’s interesting about these two* apparently unrelated aspects of Islamic law is the extent to which the first,** as well as the second,*** manifests the right-semicircle outlook which appears to be generally characteristic of Islam (and is consistent with its 2048-year outer circle foundation date).

In the case of the patriarchal family law*** the connection is obvious.

But the ban on speculative investment** – if that is what it is – raises the question of whether speculative investment is characteristic of the left outer semicircle, which I am coming to see **** as a period of economic overheating leading to ‘boom’ inflation, and eventual crisis and ‘bust’. In this case the tendency of a right-wing point of view to try to control or prevent such investment would be consistent with a patriarchal attitude to family law.

This is not noticeable in our society of course, where the freeing of financial and business interests is generally associated with the Right; but I have tended to see # Mrs Thatcher as Lower Right, c[irca] U~, moving towards the interests of her business supporters at A~.#*

‘Speculative’ of course is a relative term: Muslims have never been shy of trade, which is always speculative; I imagine that what a{r}e discouraged are precisely the more inflationary and overheating type of speculation, eg in shares and perhaps property,#** at least with a view to quick profit (the risk attached would not always be apparent to the ambitious speculator).

*[See last two previous ts entries, re the law of transactions, and family law]

**[See last previous ts entry but one – laws against ussury, gambling, & speculative transactions]

***[See last previous ts entry – patriarchal family law]

****[See above []]

#(ref ↑ Vol [] ….)

[Margaret Thatcher, UK Prime Minister 1979-1990]

#*[This does not seem exactly consistent with the timing of Mrs Thatcher’s leadership, 1979-1990 (cf 64C1984|S~1992), although its effects may be said to have continued from 1990 to circa 2010, ie 64S~1992|M~2000|U2008)]

#**{Oil-rich Arab states do, of course, invest in shares and property}



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