Monday 24 June 2024

{Khidr}[11th April 1991]

[Redbook9:79][19910411:1858c]{Khidr}[11th April 1991]



‘Almost every figure mentioned in the Qur’ān has become the centre of a circle of legends, be it Yūsuf, the symbol of overwhelming beauty, or Jesus with the life-giving breath,* the model of poverty and asceticism. Of special interest is Khidr,** identified with the unnamed companion of Moses (Qur’ān, surah 20). He is the patron saint of the wayfarers,*** connected with green, the colour of heavenly bliss, appearing whenever a pious person is in need, and immortal since he drank from the fountain of life, which is hidden in the darkness. In many respects, he is the Islamic counterpart of Elijah.**** Strong influences of the Alexander romances (a widely distributed literary genre dealing with the adventures of Alexander the Great) are visible in his figure.’#


*{ref [[Redbook9:73-74][19910411:0935l]{[Islamic] Aniconism}[11th April 1991],] 73}

**{[[Redbook9:66][19910410:1202g]{The Path (Tariqah) [continued (7)]}[10th April 1991],] 66}

***C Chrisopher Raphael


****{(cf also r~, g~)}

#(See also [Encyclopaedia Britannica] Micropaedia entry [ref next fn=#*]) <930131>

#*– ibid. [Encyclopaedia Britannica 22:41]


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