Sunday 28 January 2024

{Phrygian Cybele}[21st March 1991]

 [Redbook8:353-354][19910321:1018c]{Phrygian Cybele}[21st March 1991]



‘The Phrygian character of this city [Büyükkale, the citadel of Boğazköy-Hattusa]* is clearly shown by graffiti (wall writing) in Phrygian script and especially by a cult image of Cybele, the main Phrygian goddess, found in a niche at the south[-]east gate of the citadel. Cybele, a goddess of the “Great Mother of Nature” type, was called Kubaba** by the Luwians*** and, under that name, had played an important role in the religion of Carchemish. Her importance seems to have increased during the Phrygian period,**** and her statue at Boğazköy seems to show the influence of of 6th-century [bce] Greek art, as do comparable cult statues from Gordium; from Ayas, west of Ankara; and from Ankara itself.’


*[Square brackets per ms, indicating insertion in ms]


(but her sacred animal was the lion!)

***= the dominant group in the late Hittite culture

(E[ncyclopaedia] B[ritannica] 7:576)

****c[irca] 1180-700BCE[ff]*

ie 2048|A~1024|J~768|G~512|BCE

# – ibid [Encyclopaedia Britannica 28:] 907



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