Thursday 11 January 2024

[Gothic Art (3) [continued (15):]] European art in the 15th century [ce] [continued][15th March 1991]

[Redbook8:347][19910315:1000mm][Gothic Art (3) [continued (15):]] European art in the 15th century [ce] [continued][15th March 1991]



‘... One area in which Flemish artists excelled was in their observation of the effects of light.* This was not simply a matter of correctly painting the fall of shadows – their observation in this respect was often faulty. It concerned much more the effects of light on landscape and distance, on interior settings, and on different substances and materials, such as metal, brocade or wood. The unsurpassed genius in this art was Jan van Eyck (fl[ourished] 1391-1444).’**



cf [[Redbook8:326][19910314:1020h][Gothic Art (2)(continued (14)):][Gothic Architecture] [14th March 1991],] 326,

[Presumably, [Redbook8:328][19910314:1020k][Gothic Art (2)(continued (17)):] High Gothic [continued][14th March 1991]&f?,] 328,

[[Redbook8:336-337][19910315:1000t][Gothic Art (2)(continued (38))][15th March 1991],] 337,

[[Redbook8:341-342][19910315:1000dd]{[Gothic Art (3) [continued (6)]] Saintly Kings [continued (6)]}[15th March 1991],] 342

{cf [[Redbook8:315][19910307:1718b]{[Gothic Art [continued]:] The Discovery of Light (1)}[7th March 1991],] 315,

[[Redbook8:317-318][19910313:1000]{[Gothic Art (2):] The Discovery of Light (2), Space and Expression}[13th March 1991],] 317,

[[Redbook8:345-346][19910315:1000ii][Gothic Art (3) [continued (11):]] (Italian Gothic Art to c[irca] 1350[ce] [continued]) [15th March 1991],] 345]


**’Many painters developed a particular sensitivity for landscape settings, taking further ideas that had already received attention in Parisian art of the International Style.’***

***– ibid [Encylopaedia of Visual Art 4:] 616

****[In the ms this arrow has a slight rightward curve centred on its own centre, probably referring to the upward arc around G~]



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