Saturday 20 January 2024

{Arabian Islam [continued (3)]}[16th March 1991]

[Redbook8:351][19910316:1612c]{Arabian Islam [continued (3)]}[16th March 1991]



‘Muhammed’s men attacked a Quraysh caravan, thus breaking the vital security system established by the ‘Abd Mariāf house, and hostilities broke out against his Meccan kinsman, who dubbed him “divider” (mufarriq). Within Mecca two problems confronted him – the necessity to enforce his role as arbiter and to raise supplies for his move against Quraysh. He overcame internal opposition, removing in the process three Jewish tribes, whose properties he distributed among his followers.’


*{cf II.[[Redbook2:281-282][19830522:1130]{A Dream: 'He rules, he pools, he leaves.'}[22nd May 1983]ff(2)] 281-3}

** – ibid [Encyclopaedia Britannica 13:] 876



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