Wednesday 5 July 2023

{Greek Literature [continued (9)] [Comedy]}[8th February 1991]

[Redbook8:243][19910208:1520i]{Greek Literature [continued (9)] [Comedy]}[8th February 1991]



Comedy. Like tragedy, comedy arose from a ritual in honour of Dionysus, in this case full of abuse and obscenity connected with averting evil and encouraging fertility. The parabasis, the part of the play in which the audience broke off the action and commented on topical events and characters, was probably a direct descent of such revels. The dramatic element may have been derived from the secular Dorian comedy without chorus, said to have arisen at Megara, which was developed at Syracuse by Epicharmus (c[irca]530-c[irca]440[bce]).*



**[ibid [Encyclopaedia Britannica 20:] 401-402]



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