Thursday 13 July 2023

{Greek Literature [continued (17)] [– The Novel]}[8th February 1991]

[Redbook8:245-246][19910208:1520q]{Greek Literature [continued (17)] [– The Novel]}[8th February 1991]



‘The latest creation of the Greek genius was the novel, or erotic romance. It may have originated as early as the 1st century BC[E];* but its roots reach back to such plays of triumphant love as the lost Andromeda** of Euripides, to the New Comedy,*** to Xenophon’s daydreams about the eduction of Cyrus, and to the largely fictitious narratives that were one extreme of what passed for history from the 3rd century BC[E] onward....**** All [the examples given]# deal with true loves separated by innumerable examples of human wickedness and natural catastrophe and then finally united. Daphnis and Chloe by Longus (between 2nd and 3rd century AS[CE]) stands apart from the others because of its pastoral, rather than quasi-historical, setting.’



**[Underlining per ms, presumably as in source]

***cf [[Redbook8:244][19910208:1520l]{Greek Literature [continued (12)] [Comedy [continued (4)]]}[8th February 1991]] 244


#[Square brackets per ms]

#*– ibid [Encyclopaedia Britannica 20:] 404



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