Friday 30 September 2016

{Evil at Hungerford [continued]}[21st August 1987]

[Redbook4:68][19870821:1020b]{Evil at Hungerford [continued]}[21st August 1987]


Accustomed as we are to look for a motive for crime, and to an extent to judge the evil of the offence by the nature of the motive as well as the seriousness of the act, it is sometimes hard for us to grasp the possibility of crime without apparent motive.* In a sense this is right: there is a reason for everything.

But we like to be able to connect the victim of the offence with the offender by the motive, if it is not to be classified as an accident. The principle of extreme Separation makes precisely this connection, as it encompasses the whole Universe within its scope: the action of a man like Ryan** is limited only by the limitations of the weapons available to him. His driving force is pure Anger***, directed everywhere (although he had just enough of Light left to spare the children in Savernake)****.

*As +C is detachment from self and concentration on others, so perhaps its diametric opposite A~ is detachment from others and concentration on oneself. <891001> [For consistency, the +C should probably be represented here as I~; or possibly A~ should be represented as +Mk. <20160810>]

**[The perpetrator of the Hungerford massacre – see last previous entry.]

***But one witness described him as looking like 'a frightened maniac', I think: frightened perhaps of his own possession# by the anger, and its consequences....

****[Forest.]{or perhaps he had forgotten about them.}

#{but see [[Redbook4:86-87][19871003:1650#]{Spirits}[3rd October 1987],]p.87, re possession by evil Spirits.}



Thursday 29 September 2016

{Evil at Hungerford}[21st August 1987]

[Redbook4:67-70][19870821:1020]{Evil at Hungerford}[21st August 1987]


The incidents of the day before yesterday at Hungerford* are a most distressing example of the extreme of Separation, which we call Evil, at work. (As it happens, by co-incidence on the day this occurred I was cross-referring my notes and maps for [1] into Vol.II [of this Journal]: maps whose operation encompasses Littlecote House, a few miles West of Hungerford, where the killer worked for a time, and which has an horrific ghost story with an unsettling effect on +K; and also, of course, Savernake Forest**.)

Earlier discussions of Evil, particularly in relation to killing, centre on the state of mind of the killer (not necessarily the motive). I think the conclusion was, broadly, that only a generalised Love could render killing anything other than Evil:*** more precisely, that the distinction is between selfishness and self-less-ness.

Given clues provided by the Police and others, I think one can assume that the killer Ryan was lucid (certainly at the end, and probably earlier: they usually are): not insane. So why did he do it? He was obviously, by accounts, a withdrawn boy, at least at times, and a loner as a man. ****He developed – possibly as a result of fear of others due to awareness of his own separation from them – a fascination with guns: 'the rod' in slang, Grail and Tarot symbol of the Separation (in this system, anyway). At a certain point some stimulus or combination of stimuli, swift or slow, brought him to a point of extreme anger, which manifested itself in actions of extreme separation, i.e. a massacre of a mostly random nature.#

*[Berkshire, U.K.. “The Hungerford massacre was a series of random shootings in Hungerford, Berkshire, on 19 August 1987, when Michael Robert Ryan, an unemployed part-time antique dealer and handyman, fatally shot 16 people, before committing suicide. The shootings, committed using a handgun and two semi-automatic rifles, occurred at several locations, including a school he had once attended. A police officer died in the incident, and many people were injured. 15 other people were also shot but survived. No firm motive for the killings has ever been established. It remains one of the worst firearms atrocities in UK history.” ]

**[Where the massacre began. The detailed and very matter-of fact account in Wikipedia of the series of events beginning with this first murder is extremely distressing to read, not least for its sheer relentlessness.]

***cf.III. …[e.g.? [Redbook3:83-84][19870331:1825g]{Capital Punishment}[31st March 1987]?, &
[Redbook3:84-85][19870331:1825h]{Capital Punishment [continued]}[31st March 1987]p.84-5.?;
[Redbook3:206][19870419:1050](MORALITY AND ETHICS [continued(3)])[19th April 1987],ff.] 206-210 [especially 206-207].

****(I speculate that...)

#Later Police view is that it started with a rape attempt which went wrong <871003>. – Lechery immediately precedes Anger on the Outer Circle. <871003> [This Police view does not seem to appear again. <20160810>]



Wednesday 28 September 2016

{The Eighth Gift of the Spirit}[20th August 1987]

[Redbook4:67][19870820:1800cc]{The Eighth Gift of the Spirit}[20th August 1987]


If we have discovered* (If...!) the eighth Vice** and the eighth Virtue***, what is the eighth Gift of the Spirit?****

*[Redbook4:59][19870820:1800]{Innocence and Truth}[20th August 1987]


*** [Truth]

**** – Holiness? <870821> [Grace? See e.g. [Redbook4:198][19871206:1235#{The Qualities of [I~]}[6th December 1987] <20160808>]

{cf. S&C16-1}


Monday 26 September 2016

{Where is Justice?}[20th August 1987]

[Redbook4:66-67][19870820:1800bb]{Where is Justice?}[20th August 1987]


I can only account for the divergence of Justice between U~ (the Virtue)* and M~ (the (Outer) Tarots)** by invoking Circumferential Resonance between adjacent Stations. Zodiac*** Virgo (Astraea, Goddess of Justice) is between them, although her Scales (Libra) are the other side of M~; on the Sistine Ceiling****, the Erythraean Sibyl with her ½ Scale is also between Joel (xL/U~?) and Ezekiel (at +M~). The point is that we are not looking at a system of discrete points but at a continuum without sharp boundaries, onto which at various times people have superimposed explicatory symbols which are, by their natures, discrete points or areas. (This is one reason why colours could be a useful background symbol).

*[See e.g. [Redbook4:100-101][19871005:0940e]{Vices, Virtues, Principles[, Qualities] and Gifts}[5th October 1987], diagram.]

****[Tarot II, the finally preferred version, which does not seem to have been included as a circle diagram, except as an obscure part of the complex A3-size diagram at [Redbook3:217-222][19870502:1025b](EVOLUTION OF PATTERNS OF SYMBOLS)([&] DIAGONAL PERSONALITIES [continued]) [2nd May 1987], but can be seen in tabular form as part of [Redbook3:160-162][19870409:1345q](TAROT NUMBERING, AGES AND OCCUPATIONS [continued(4)])[9th April 1987].]

***[The Zodiac does not seem to have been included as a circle diagram, except as an obscure part of the complex A3-size diagram at [Redbook3:217-222][19870502:1025b](EVOLUTION OF PATTERNS OF SYMBOLS)([&] DIAGONAL PERSONALITIES [continued]) [2nd May 1987], but can be seen in tabular form as part of [Redbook3:160-162][19870409:1345q](TAROT NUMBERING, AGES AND OCCUPATIONS [continued(4)])[9th April 1987].]}]

****[The Sistine Chapel does not seem to have been included as a circle diagram but see [Redbook4:4-6][19870705:1745d]{Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel}[5th July 1987]ffx2.]



{Virtues and Gifts}[20th August 1987]

[Redbook4:66][19870820:1800aa]{Virtues and Gifts}[20th August 1987]


The Virtues* may also** be relevant on the Inner Circle return; the Seven Gifts of the Spirit***, however, seem particularly relevant to the Inner Circle

*[[Redbook4:13-14][19870707:1000]{Virtues and Vices (2)}[7th July 1987]]

**[See last previous entry but one.]

***[Redbook4:45][19870712:1840d]{The Gifts of the Spirit (2)}[12th July 1987]



Sunday 25 September 2016

{Right and Wrong Outer Circle}[20th August 1987]

[Redbook4:66][19870820:1800z]{Right and Wrong Outer Circle}[20th August 1987]


The presence of two of the Virtues* – Justice and Fortitude – on the Outer Circle of Tarot Cards suggests that the Virtues are required for a right Outer Circle progress – instead of the Vices which will lead to a wrong Outer Circle progress, especially in the later (Left**) stages, leading one round again.

*[See last previous entry.]

**[i.e. looking at the Circles so that +K, Revolution, Revelation, G~ &c. are on the Left, where by this time they seem to have settled.]



Saturday 24 September 2016

{Willed and Pulled Vices}[20th August 1987]

[Redbook4:65-66][19870820:1800y]{Willed and Pulled Vices}[20th August 1987]


Those [Vices]* on the Right are perhaps more strong- or self-willed (or 'pushed' outwards)**, and those on the left perhaps more weak-willed or not-self-willed (or 'pulled' outwards). The genuine Revolutionary is not weak but is a Reactor: motivation, at its best, comes from the needs of others, on the Left. I think also that this is what distinguishes Envy from Avarice – something which has puzzled me, and why they should be opposite.

Archangels <870821>
Gifts of the Spirit















Fear of the Lord




Inner Action
Outer Action



















*[Presumably Vices only, from the context, although the language of this entry taken with the last previous entry could refer to Virtues as well. See last previous entry.]

**(I am trying to avoid saying 'inner-pushed' against 'outer-pulled' because of the potential confusion between the Self within – which would be intended here, on the Right – and the Un-self within – which would not.)

***-?- <870821>

[Note that within tables, hyphens are placed at typescript line-breaks which are not always preserved by Blogger in the published blog. It would be time-consuming to try to correct this; but mid-line hyphens breaking words within tables therefore generally have no particular significance.]
[Blogger publication does not always preserve the choice of a smaller font size, and sometimes it seems impossible to correct this.]



Friday 23 September 2016

{Passive and Active [Virtues and] Vices}[20th August 1987]

[Redbook4:65][19870820:1800x]{Passive and Active [Virtues and] Vices}[20th August 1987]


This* gives rise to the observation that for the Virtues and Vices (in the revised pattern on p.13**, and see over, p.65***) on the whole the more 'passive'**** V&Vs are at the top and the more 'active'# ones are at the bottom (up to and including the horizontal cardinals, which [are] of roughly equal 'activity' and roughly 'halfway active' between top and bottom). (But the structure tends to impose its own World-view on the observer.)#*

*[See last previous entry.]

**[[Redbook4:13-14][19870707:1000]{Virtues and Vices (2)}[7th July 1987]]

***[sic; presumably next entry, [Redbook4:66][19870820:1800y]{Willed and Pulled Vices}[20th August 1987], Diagram.]

****In the sense 'Peaceful', perhaps.

#Not to be confused with Action, although obviously related.




Thursday 22 September 2016

{Circle Relationships [continued(21)] – Orientation}[20th August 1987]

[Redbook4:65][19870820:1800w]{Circle Relationships [continued(21)] – Orientation}[20th August 1987]


Orientation: These questions* can only begin to be answered by considering the Orientation of the Stations, and in particular the Cardinals (and most of all, I presume, the Vertical Polarity).** At this stage reliance has to be made on some outside authority (e.g. experience and observation) to give meaning to the structure.

*[See last previous entry.]

**Radial Distance is also a factor – strongly related, I should imagine, to Rotation (or rotational direction), (& ?Rotational or Circle Dominance (i.e. in Contra-rotation – which Circle is predominant?)


Tuesday 20 September 2016

{Circle Relationships [continued(20)] – Circumferential Relationship}[20th August 1987]

[Redbook4:65][19870820:1800v]{Circle Relationships [continued(20)] – Circumferential Relationship}[20th August 1987]


Circumferential: In a sense this is now (i.e. after the others*) easy: the relationship is progressive or dynamic within the structure defined by the preceding relationships*. However, this raises even more difficult questions about why we interpret structures or relationships in particular ways.

*[See last 4 previous entries.]



{Circle Relationships [continued(19)] – Radial Relationship}[20th August 1987]

[Redbook4:64-65][19870820:1800u]{Circle Relationships [continued(19)] – Radial Relationship}[20th August 1987]


Radial: Developed with Inner Diametric (naturally): these are supposedly 'Inner' and 'Outer' versions of the same thing.* It is extraordinarily difficult to pin this relationship down in words, although it is fundamental to the whole system** in giving to Men the power to choose. There is a hint that the 'Radial'*** difference or distinction between Qualities**** is rather more static for Cardinals, and rather more dynamic for Diagonals; but if so, it is the peculiar Dynamic properties of the Square (or Short Chord)# relationships of the Cardinals which gives this dynamism to the radial distinctions of the Diagonals between them – I suspect.

*[i.e. in each case, presumably.]

**{cf.[[Redbook4:93-94][19871004:1030]{Radial relationships, and Contra-rotation}[4th October 1987],]p.93.}

***[cf.[Redbook4:63][19870820:1800l]{Circle Relationships [continued(10)] – Radial Resonance}[20th August 1987].]

****One way of distinguishing Outer and Inner Circles might be as Attachment and Detachment respectively; another might be as Selfish and Selfless respectively. (ref.[Vol.]III?) <870821>
[Note that here the term “Qualities” is used for both Circles. cf.[Redbook4:63][19870820:1800k]{Circle Relationships [continued(9)] – Resonance}[20th August 1987] ]

#[See [Redbook4:64][19870820:1800q]{Circle Relationships [continued(15)] – Short Chord Resonance/Relationship}[20th August 1987] & [Redbook4:64][19870820:1800s]{Circle Relationships [continued(17)] – Short Chord/”Square” Relationship}[20th August 1987].]

