Thursday 31 October 2013

{Love and Sex [continued]}[15th June 1972]

[Redbook1:253][19720615:1600c]{Love and Sex [continued]}[15th June 1972]

Thursday 19720615 1600.

(L)       II.  Women have no right to go round pretending they are God’s gift to mankind and withholding their side of the physical union which helps to make humankind whole – all this stuff about saving sex for true love --



Wednesday 30 October 2013

{Love and Sex}[15th June 1972]

[Redbook1:253][19720615:1600b]{Love and Sex}[15th June 1972]

Thursday 19720615 1600.

            (I find these notes on an index card in the blank pages of this book.  I don’t think I have yet written them down here in full.  They must be less than a year old.) –

(L)       I.  Homosexuality: 2 parts:
            (1)  Natural love and affection between men (and between women), including physical showing of it and physical conduct.
            (2) Silly behaviour e.g. anal intercourse – quite unnecessary – partly:



Tuesday 29 October 2013

{With a smile and a song}[15th June 1972]

[Redbook1:252][19720615:1600a]{With a smile and a song}[15th June 1972]

Thursday 19720615 1600.

            We live in a funny place, where people stare at you with hostility if you sing in the street, and with suspicion or wonder if you smile.

            Still, I suppose that’s better than staring at you with hostility or suspicion if you don’t sing, or don’t smile.


Monday 28 October 2013

{Inflation}[15th June 1972]

[Redbook1:252][19720615:1600]{Inflation}[15th June 1972]

Thursday 19720615 1600.

Surely the only key to solving the problem of inflation is to see it not as an economic problem but as a psychological one.  i.e. control of advertising should be considered -- ?mass advertising => rising mass demand => rising wage demands => rising wages => rising cost of production => rising prices => rising cost of living, ie inflation.?


Sunday 27 October 2013

{Transport}[11th June 1972]

[Redbook1:250-252][19720611:1522b]{Transport}[11th June 1972]


            And so the the railways, to which I will always return for my examples – because I know a little about them, and because they are a subject near to my heart.  I am of course biased in their favour – and I think their abandonment is a terrible waste.

            We learn that [the British Railways research centre at] Derby is at last working on plans for the self-propelled automatically driven railway wagon, which will take itself when full to the nearest marshalling yard to be forwarded as [part of] a train.  Although the economics seem a little doubtful at this stage, this scheme could (as The Times points out) re-instate the private siding and revolutionise railway freight traffic.

            Motorways create traffic.  After the M4 [motorway] was opened road traffic on that route increased significantly but the railways (the only important competitor) did not lose a significant amount of traffic.  Cardiff housewives started driving to shop in London for the day for the first time.

            The ‘excuse’ for motorways is their freight traffic.  In fact their most marked effect is on passenger traffic.  One could not attempt to restrict private cars (for political reasons) but there is no direct moral reason not to restrict freight traffic, and little political reason not to, and there should in the future (see above – food – and NB the E[uropean] E[conomic] C[ommunity]) be little economic reason.

            NB Although I think most accidents on the motorways are caused by car drivers, I suspect more injuries are caused by lorries being there.

            Of course many other things are implied by this: and most, for example, provide jobs for those who used to drive the long-distance lorries.  Perhaps they could work on the railways?


Saturday 26 October 2013

{Industry}[11th June 1972]

[Redbook1:249][19720611:1522a]{Industry}[11th June 1972]


            Industry should be the servant of ‘The People’, not their master.  If the choice lies between the comfort of the people and the convenience of industry, the people should have priority.

            Unfortunately in our country we are unable to follow this line even if we wanted to.  There is (apparently) not enough food for us all grown in our island.  Therefore until we increase our food supply (or protect it!) or decrease our population, our people will have to take second place after the requirements of our industry.

            Talk of ‘protecting the little man’ in private enterprise misses the point – whether he is the corner grocer or the back-yard haulier.  The worst that can (or should) happen to him in our welfare state is another job or paid unemployment – usually – but if his interests prevail the interests of the people (including, often, himself) will gradually suffer.

            ‘Idealism’ in its impractical/dangerous sense should have little place in this.


{Population Settlement}[11th June 1972]

[Redbook1:249][19720611:1522]{Population Settlement}[11th June 1972]


            This is perhaps the first time in which we have faced the prospect of continually rising population (ie pressure on resources and on people) together with a complete lack of anywhere to which to emigrate. It has nearly always been possible previously for a man to escape from society and to find for himself a piece of land whose ownership vests in him automatically and to build his house there and to support himself there in isolation. It is not now generally possible to do this.  This is much more serious than most people realise.

            We must provide people with the equivalent of this lost facility, especially for the procurement of dwelling space by direct labour (rather than earnings) and for the sublimation or relief of tendencies produced in reaction to the so-called ‘pressures of society’.


Thursday 24 October 2013

{Burning Girl}[9th June 1972]

[Redbook1:248-249][19720609:2039c]{Burning Girl}[9th June 1972]


            I cannot remove from my mind the photograph which appeared in The Times and the Telegraph today of children fleeing when South Vietnamese aircraft accidentally napalmed their camp.  In particular the girl running naked and screaming is an awful combination of beauty, pain and terror, arousing love and horror.  And apparently her back was burned by napalm.

            And in Burundi: they are murdering the schoolchildren – twelve and thirteen year olds.

            But for stark mad fear, see the face of the boy on the left?


Wednesday 23 October 2013

{Food and Population}[9th June 1972]

[Redbook1:248][19720609:2039b]{Food and Population}[9th June 1972]


            It has occurred to few people that if present trends continue, present food surplus producing countries will have no surplus to send to Britain.  If we have not by that time reduced our population to make self-support possible, we shall have to reduce our consumption.  We may (?) thus destroy over a generation of childhood malnutrition the inheritance of centuries.


Tuesday 22 October 2013

{Utopia}[9th June 1972]

[Redbook1:248][19720609:2039a]{Utopia}[9th June 1972]


            What of the long term?  Details are difficult to discern.  Certainly if there is to be any hope for Mankind the present situation must be regarded as strictly transitional.  I hope for a society based on the centuries-old concept of the village community, possibly including aspects of the commune, supported and made possible by the weight of Man’s technology, preferably under conditions which make it economically viable without artificial interference (such as Government subsidy), and basically (in the ultimate) self-supporting.  Towns would exist, limited in numbers, to perform various un-devolvable (?!) functions.  Cities would be rare, and small.


Monday 21 October 2013

{Social Railways}[9th June 1972]

[Redbook1:247][19720609:2039]{Social Railways}[9th June 1972]


            (It is in transport that I see this [the last previous entry] most clearly.  Railways will lose money directly so long as ‘free enterprise’ allows roads full rein to the detriment of the country, and with massive hidden subsidies.  The basic motorway network is vital; but when the need is felt for loop-motorways paralleling original ones to carry extra traffic, we shall have to ask ourselves:  in a finite world, can we afford it?  Motorways create their own traffic as the first railways did.  In addition, petrol is going to run out.  Railways therefore could ‘prosper’ in a social sense in the medium-term future, given sensible policies of Government.)


Sunday 20 October 2013

{Ant and Owl}[4th June 1972]

[Redbook1:246-247][19720604:1533]{Ant and Owl}[4th June 1972]


            We have been conned over the last thirty years: wool has been pulled over our eyes to such an extent that we have come to believe that co-operation among people is a sign of decadence whereas the most primitive law of the jungle, the survival of the individual at the expense of the pack of individuals, is paramount.  Individuals are the basis of Society and should be of Government, but for that very reason we cannot let the provision of the basic welfare of individuals rest in the hands of individuals to the extent that the interests of the pack suffer.

            We must try to find a medium between the Ant and the Owl.  That ‘medium’ will vary from one aspect of society to the other.  While as consumers we all wish to be Owls, we demand that our suppliers should be Ants.  But consumption and supply are too closely related to allow such a division; and we have neither the tolerance nor motivation of the Ant nor the self-reliance of the Owl.

            Capitalism and private enterprise have only existed in the extent to which we now see them for a very short time.  They are by no means the ‘natural’ state of man as a social animal.  The safeguards to private enterprise provided by the law should show us that successful capitalism can only be a controlled short-cut to quick development.  When, as recently, it begins to sever those ties which bind and sustain man as a social animal, we must ask: is it still worth it?  (This is not an argument for Nationalisation: I am concerned not with the detailed means, but with the whole purpose of human technical development.)


Saturday 19 October 2013

[Ghosts][31st May 1972]

[Redbook1:245A][19720531:2154][Ghosts][31st May 1972]



Slow again, memory turns,
            Long returning: glittering days,
            Days of Sun, never return,
            Passing, falling, dying: my years.

In the Sunshine, in fields of wind-rippled grass, and
In narrow lanes winding, I hear
The laughter of Children, the sorrow of living,
The fear of a nameless fear:

            Friends I lost in treacherous seas
            -- Northern Seas are bitter and wide --
            Cold in fear, fear of the Sea,
            Turning, sinking, drifting they died.

Crying, over the fields of Sunset, I wander, and
Seeking the Valley of Bones
I stumble through mists and through darkness, in terror
Of finding the Watchful Stones:

            Dead and cold, Barrow and Stones
            Brood in darkness, watching the Mound
            Where, alone, empty I climb
            Searching, seeking – not to be found.

While over the Downland, through mists slowly curling,
The lonelier Shades that I flee, --
Their restless dead spirits encircle the Chapel
Lost, drifting in from the Sea.

            Rushing Wind: Memory flees;
            Mists are vanished; Stars glimmer through.
            Alone with echoes, buildings and trees
            I cannot remember the Faces I knew.

(Tune: The Birdwoman/Feed the Birds
(from Mary Poppins))


Friday 18 October 2013

{Force}[31st May 1972]

[Redbook1:245][19720531:1013]{Force}[31st May 1972]

19720531 10.13

            The great defect of most Army men is that having been brought up to see force as the reaction to any situation they cannot appreciate that not only is force not always the whole answer, but that sometimes it is in fact counter-productive.  They cannot apply their own reactions under fire to the prediction of civilian reaction in the same circumstances.


Thursday 17 October 2013

{Working Class}[30th May 1972]

[Redbook1:245][19720530:1712]{Working Class}[30th May 1972][Age 21]


            Perhaps the new system of class-distinction in Britain could be depicted in this way:
            Those who don't have to work, and don't.
            Those who don't have to work, but do.
            Those who do have to work, and do.
            Those who do have to work, but can't.


Wednesday 16 October 2013

{The People’s Army}[22nd May 1972]

[Redbook1:244][19720522:1635]{The People’s Army}[22nd May 1972]


            The function of the Army is to protect the People, and if that function involves shooting at the people, one may be justified in asking:
            ‘What's the point?’


Tuesday 15 October 2013

{The New Tsars}[21st May 1972]

[Redbook1:244][19720521:1103d]{The New Tsars}[21st May 1972]


One sometimes receives a strong impression that Russian foreign policy is still based on the considerations that moved the Tsars.


Monday 14 October 2013

{New Empires}[21st May 1972]

[Redbook1:243][19720521:1103c]{New Empires}[21st May 1972]


            It seems likely that the new Empire-States are arising not like the British and Russian by War, but like the United States, the Canadian, the Australian and possibly the European by voluntary amalgamation.

            And where now the Commonwealth?  -- A fascinating question.

Sunday 13 October 2013

{Fear and Ambition, War and Peace}[21st May 1972]

[Redbook1:243][19720521:1103b]{Fear and Ambition, War and Peace}[21st May 1972]


            Perhaps one can divide wars into those occasioned by immediate Fear, and those based on Ambition (whose final cause may or may not be national insecurity).  In the latter category one might place the North Vietnamese in the present conflict, and in the former perhaps the United States.  Clearly every simple doctrine has its dangers but as a general guide to the motivation of national leaders this one has its advantages if used carefully.

            Clearly it becomes vital for the Statesman seeking peace -- who must find himself in most cases in the former category -- to decide into which class the leaders of the opposing nation fall.  If fear for national security is their prime consideration, much may be accomplished by the Statesman with emotional speeches on the brotherhood of man, the impossibility of his ever declaring War, and so forth -- without actually giving anything valuable away except a spirit of confidence.  If imperial ambition moves the enemy, stern warnings of military preparedness in a purely defensive spirit may act as a brake on his designs.

            It is noticeable that American statesman at present use neither (or both) of these approaches, since no one can quite fathom the Russian attitude: fear or imperial ambition, or both?  It is hard to reconcile the SALT talks with Czechoslovakia in 1968.


Saturday 12 October 2013

{The [African]’s Privilege}[21st May 1972]

[Redbook1:242][19720521:1103a]{The [African]'s Privilege}[21st May 1972]


            We may be justified (and perhaps not unwise) in saying to the Organisation of African Unity, when next they use us as a butt for their ambitions and an easy way to local popularity,
‘For you we have broken with our own people:
For you we have destroyed the ties of our family:
For your sakes we have broken trust.

‘What more would you have us do?

‘Push not too hard the *Imperial Conscience:
Do not trust too far the [African]’s Privilege:
In the ultimate Cousin may speak with Cousin,
And Blood will tell.’

*[Post- (?)]


Friday 11 October 2013

{Justice and Consistency}[21st May 1972]

[Redbook1:242][19720521:1103]{Justice and Consistency}[21st May 1972]


            At its highest, the Law is both Just and Consistent.
            At the least it should show one or the other quality.
            When it shows neither Justice nor consistency,
                        One may be justified in asking
                                    What, then, is its purpose?


Thursday 10 October 2013

{Exclusive Friendship}[20th May 1972]

[Redbook1:242][19720520:0924]{Exclusive Friendship}[20th May 1972]

Saturday 197205200924

            Friendship now is so exclusive.
            Has it always been like this?
            One would expect present pressures
            to have this effect.


Wednesday 9 October 2013

[The Common Store][20th May 1972]

[Redbook1:242A][19720520:0000][The Common Store][20th May 1972]


            ‘The Common Store’ – of knowledge available to the Net from the memories of them all – can be tapped directly.  – esp. from e.g. language.  But use of that knowledge is another matter, often.


Tuesday 8 October 2013

{The State of Mind}[19th May 1972]

[Redbook1:241][19720519:1043]{The State of Mind}[19th May 1972]


            One of the most interesting exchanges between Officialdom and Anarchy (or The Individual) in recent years occurred in the U.S., either before or after legal proceedings.  It started something like this:

            Official: What State do you come from?
            Individual: I come from the State of Mind.


Monday 7 October 2013

{A Policeman}[19th May 1972]

[Redbook1:241][19720519:1035]{A Policeman}[19th May 1972]

Thursday 197205191035(?)

            Two vital characteristics for a policeman: sympathy, and a sense of humour.


Sunday 6 October 2013

{Trade Sanctions}[18th May 1972]

[Redbook1:241][19720518:1055]{Trade Sanctions}[18th May 1972]

Thursday 197205181055

            UNCTAD calls for reopening of the Suez Canal.  The use of trade sanctions by the World Community to enforce a settlement (perhaps agreed in the U.N.) in an international conflict, though harsh, might in some circumstances be effective.


Saturday 5 October 2013

{Right Thinking}[16th May 1972]

[Redbook1:240][19720516:1542a]{Right Thinking}[16th May 1972]

Tuesday 197205161542

            [...] although I try (not always successfully) to accept minority views, I do not want to be forced to hold them myself.  I am left with the great talent, and the curse, of the writer, what [(my poet and journalist aunt) G] described as the ability to see everyone’s point of view – only (as I think she knows) it goes further than that: there is an (apparent?) ability, unwilled, at times to be anyone – anyone at all....


Friday 4 October 2013

{Derivation}[16th May 1972]

[Redbook1:240][19720516:1542]{Derivation}[16th May 1972]

Tuesday 197205161542
(my watch loses c.1-2 minutes a day).
(At the moment I correct it at 10pm each night)

It is peculiar, how I keep writing things here only to discover later that similar ideas have been broadcast simultaneously.  I don’t consciously borrow other people’s ideas; I can only assume that in most cases I became aware of them without consciously knowing it.


Thursday 3 October 2013

{The Nation-State}[15th May 1972]

[Redbook1:239][19720515:1537]{The Nation-State}[15th May 1972]

Monday 197205151537

            To us, the Nation-State seems the highest form of civilisation.  But it may be simply a means, a passing-point on the journey from the structure of individual, family and tribe under the regime of Nature in primitive times to the loose gatherings of local communities under a relaxed World Government in a possible future.


Wednesday 2 October 2013

{Democratic monarchy}[13th May 1972]

[Redbook1:239][19720513:1830a]{Democratic monarchy}[13th May 1972]

Saturday 197205131830

            It is odd to think that if Spain returns to democracy, it will probably do so through monarchy.


Tuesday 1 October 2013

{Report}[13th May 1972]

[Redbook1:239][19720513:1830]{Report}[13th May 1972]

Saturday 197205131830

            I am now two days behind at least with my revision.  Since I have only one day spare at the other end, that is an unpleasant situation.
