Saturday 18 August 2012

{VeryCommonplace Book}[20th May 1967]

[Redbook0:3-4][19670520]{VeryCommonplace Book}[20th May 1967][Aged 15]

VERY COMMONPLACE BOOK – all the rest of the class has them too!

            So this guy speaks to us, and he says: “There’s an idea I’ve been wanting to put into practice for a long time”, or words to that effect, “and each year I forget to do it.  I want you to keep commonplace books, in which you will record your thoughts, hetcetera.”  Dead silence. He then goes on to say how we will find them fascinating when we grow up, etc., and how HE WON’T WANT TO READ THEM.  So if, “this guy”, you’re now raging at what I’ve written, you’ve only yourself to blame!

            Well, Mr. H~, here is a selection of the inmost thoughts and ideas of your depraved and juvenile (naturally – how else?) youth, interspersed with a few quotations which he found interesting, or even which he thought “this guy” might find interesting when he looked through the book.  i.e. some of these may be what I thought would give him a good impression, if he thought that I was interested in it!  Still, I will try to stop myself writing “to an audience”, as it were.

Started 20th May 1967.
-- in a feeling of inexplicable optimism.


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