Thursday 3 October 2024

{Art Cycles (2)}[20th April 1991]

[Redbook9:133-134][19910420:0953h]{Art Cycles (2)}[20th April 1991]



I should like to see ‘geometric’ styles and themes in the visual arts* at around S~, even though this might conflict with formulaized art at (say) M~-U~ – but geometric styles keep turning up obstinately around A~-J~, eg:



Ancient Greece (Protogeometric Period:

Reworking of old forms and patterns with new precision and eye for proportion and design)


Ancient Greece: Geometric Period:

Variety of geometric designs, mostly rectilinear.


Islam[:] Fatimids: ‘Another decorative trend is especially used on 12th-century mihrabs: explicitly complicated geometric patterns, usually based on stars, which in turn generate octagons, hexagons, triangles, and rectangles. Geometry becomes a sort of network in the middle of which small vegetal units continue to remain, often as inlaid pieces. Long inscriptions written in very elaborate calligraphies also became a typical form of architectural decoration on most of the major Fatamid buildings.’#

c[irca]1000-12thc[entury ce]


Europe: I have a note on my draft booklet circle 11.1 ‘European Cultural Cycle: Visual Art: 0-2048CE’: Romanesque art and architecture [high] geometric styles – heavily influenced by pattern and symbolism of Byzantine art’. But I cannot find the source for ‘geometric’ here and am uncertain what it means in this context.#*

*cf [[Redbook9:124-125][19910415:0840aa]{Visual Arts [continued –] Art Cycles (1)}[15th April 1991],] 125

**{→[[Redbook9:183][19910423:0920#]{Art Cycles (3)}[20th April 1991],] 183}



# – ibid [Encyclopaedia Britannica 22:] 85

#*{See eg VIII. [[Redbook8:311][19910306:0930r]{Romanesque Art [continued (15)}[6th March 1991]&ant,] 311 (E[ncyclopaedia of] V[isual] A[rt] 4:570-571}

– ‘Predeliction for simplification, almost geometrisation of human forms.’}

{(But NB every A~#** is also a C for a cycle of half the length)}

#**[ms has M~, which cannot be correct, but is a frequent ms error for A~ due to the common initial letter of their fictional counterparts]

[& cf [Redbook9:163][19910421:1410bb]{[Islamic Art –] Visual Arts [continued –] Periods of Islamic Art [continued 17)]}[21st April 1991]]



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