Sunday 16 October 2022

{Ever Decreasing Crises}[13th November 1990]

[Redbook8:113][19901113:1520]{Ever Decreasing Crises}[13th November 1990]


Each circle degree is (likely to be) a Crisis on some smaller circle, in history cycles, because of the pattern of period doubling:

Taking line 4 as the reference: Each A~ is clearly at the top of a column of halving C’s; each M~ & G~ has an A~ interposed above a column of halving C’s, so the C strength is correspondingly less; each diagonal degree (S~, U~, J~, R~) is correspondingly less still in C strength.

Increasing in scale (ie moving up the page), the effect is not so clear in abstract (eg C up to C or A~, A~ up to M~ or G~, etc.) but should be more obvious in history.

The fact that C’s (& A~’s) ‘rest on C’s may be connected with the apparent tendency of Economics (A~) to oscillate more widely in its C periods than (eg) religion (C): A~ tries to get away from C.*

*{(or an effect of the freedom implied by underlying C? But then why are ** revivals often so precisely on time?)

(cf [[Redbook8:118-119][19901118:2310]{Precise Crises}[18th November 1990],] 118)

(cf [[Redbook8:142][19901222:1304c]{The Circle of Politics}[22nd December 1990],] 142)}

**[Religious, presumably, not economic]

[See Redbook8:115][19901115:2113b]{[Kondratieff ‘top’ lags]}[15th November 1990]]


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