Friday 21 May 2021

{Poetry (Extracts) [continued (8)]}[13th June 1990]

[Redbook7:145][19900613:0840h]{Poetry (Extracts) [continued (8)]}[13th June 1990]



‘... It is in the presentation of the exact nature of an act of perception that poetry excels. It defines the perception at the same time as * the perceiver.** It establishes the relationship between the individual and the world outside him as being intimate, and often more intense than we consciously realise. It forces us to realise that everything known is known by a man,*** who is an individual unique person, and who sees the world in the context of his own emotions and his own needs.****

#‘It reminds us of many powerful forces which inhabit our unconscious minds, and it reveals them to us.#

It is, as Louis MacNeice has said, “a precision instrument for recording a man’s reactions to life.”#*

*[‘it defines’, presumably, not **’does’]

**[See above, fn=*]


****[This may seem somewhat at odds with the previous extract (which follow it in the work from which they are quoted), but isn’t]

#[The sentence between these symbols # is emphasised in the ms by a single vertical line in the left margin.]

#*Ibid, 6.



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