Saturday 21 June 2014

[Scotland's Oil [continued]][2nd February 1976]

[Redbook2:78F-I][19760202.0000e][Scotland's Oil [continued]][2nd February 1976]


Oppression is neither recognised nor avoided merely by counting heads: a minority can equally well oppress a majority, without even the virtue of being 'democratic'. One might ask why the inhabitants of the remainder of the United Kingdom should be deprived (by the inhabitants of Scotland) of that oil which they were led by some international treaty to regard as theirs – and without having any direct voice or vote in their own deprivation. There may well he some 'moral' case for Scottish independence, and there surely is for devolution; but there is none, now, for the Scottish Nationalists' claim to 'Scotland's Oil'. To their credit, many Scots are aware of this, and are ashamed of that claim.


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