Saturday 10 May 2014

[Laura][27th March 1975]

[Redbook2:67C-F][19750327:1805][Laura][27th March 1975]



‘You know I’d love to sleep with you –
Which needn’t mean within you, love,
But loving you, though not “in love”,
To share my secret nights with you:
To lie with you, love, sweetest girl,
And, loving you, to know your warmth –
We may or may not lie within –
It doesn’t matter: soon we may.
But as for now, there’s no more time.’
He stoops, and kisses her again.
‘Don’t twist yourself with loving, love:
This candle isn’t worth the game.
I love you dearly, never doubt,
Nor that I need your love; but don’t
Exclude the World; And nor shall I.’
He takes her hand, and holds it close.
‘I value no one more than you.’

The girl sits silent, watching him
With sad clear eyes, but quiet, calm.
Her pale hands on her faded jeans
Lie open now, as holding air
That pours between her fingers and
Her slender, girlish thighs, and goes.

‘If anyone should come’ he says
‘Tell them you don’t know who I am.
I picked you up, and now I’ve gone.’

‘Where are you going?’ Laura asks.

‘Out of the Country.’ Michael says.
‘I’ll show myself, to keep you clear,
Before I lose them somewhere else.’

‘Thank you for helping me.’ she says.

‘Hoots, it was nothing, and repaid.
Repay me more, love: be my friend,
Which I’ll repay by being yours.’

‘I wish I could love like you say.’
She says. ‘I really wish I could.
My love’s possessive: it excludes.
I’d gladly have you here and now
But only so’s I’d keep you close,
Excluding others, loving you.
It’s human nature to exclude.’

‘Then I’m not human.  But I am!
Don’t think I don’t know how you feel.
Perhaps it’s female nature more?
I don’t know. But I do know this:
Most people loving do exclude.
Most people marry to exclude.
At first, exclusion’s very nice.
But later on they tend to find
Exclusive marriage ain’t enough;
But they can’t see another way
So many marriages break down
Lacking a middle way between
Exclusion and unfaithfulness.

‘Each of us has a middle way
Which each must find before he weds.
Most couples need a middle way,
For love and happiness to live.
Having only those you’ll wed
Could get you very deeply hurt;
Having every one you meet
Could make you bored, and maybe cold.
One shouldn’t generalise: it might,
And then again it mightn’t. Well,
I’m sorry, going on like this!
I must go, or I may get caught.
Horrors! I’d have to…. Must be off!
I’ll get in touch within the month,
I hope, and tell you what to do –
If you still want to help.’

                                    ‘I do.’

‘Laura, before I go,
I’ll love you just as much as now
When you’ve got married to a bloke
Who cares for you as much as I.
That’s even if your middle way
Won’t let me sleep with you at all!
Goodbye, love.’ So he kisses her,
And takes his coat into the street.


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