Saturday 31 May 2014

{The Coming-of-Age of America [continued]}[6th January 1976]

[Redbook2:76A-J][19760106:0000b]{The Coming-of-Age of America [continued]}[6th January 1976]


Times change: other powers will arise to shape this culture, even after America. No-one can say for how long the Americans will remain its guardians, nor even what 'it' will eventually come to mean. The shape of the World is changing, and it is a mark of America's new maturity that it would now for the first time be possible to suggest to her that by the time of her quarter-millennium in the year two thousand and twenty six, A.D., by the consent of her people, the United States of America as a sole sovereign entity may no longer exist.



Friday 30 May 2014

{The Coming-of-Age of America [continued]}[6th January 1976]

[Redbook2:76A-J][19760106:0000a]{The Coming-of-Age of America [continued]}[6th January 1976]


That, too, marks the eventual transfer of the centre of the English-speaking culture across the Atlantic: a transfer which, for all our stridency, we can do nothing about. Why should we be ashamed? The new hands are safer than ours; and ours (or our fathers') largely shaped what they receive. And there is no reason why we should not continue to contribute to that culture as much as we now do.



Thursday 29 May 2014

{The Coming-of-Age of America}[6th January 1976]

[Redbook2:76A-J][19760106:0000]{The Coming-of-Age of America}[6th January 1976]


Not the Bi-centennial, but Watergate marks the coming-of-age of America: more particularly, the discovery of Watergate, and those dozens of contemporary symptoms – militant pacifism, the Senate hearings, the foreign policy of Congress – which have become the pinpricks of traditional American pride. For a strange self-awareness, almost humble, is the hallmark of the new American: that, and a restrained self-assurance which needs no boasting.



Wednesday 28 May 2014

{WHY?}[12th November 1975]

[Redbook2:74A][19751112:0000 a]{WHY?}[12th November 1975]


WHY? – why? why? Why?


Tuesday 27 May 2014

{Choices}[12th November 1975]

[Redbook2:74A][19751112:0000 ]{Choices}[12th November 1975]


CHOICE   circs.: contrasting:
(1) Difficult to choose
(2) Difficult to see choice.



Monday 26 May 2014

{Telekinesis}[11th November 1975]

[Redbook2:75][19751111:2130]{Telekinesis}[11th November 1975]


?Is it possible that telekinesis, teleportation, etc. (even telepathy?) originate in some basic attractant and/or repellent (and/or communicative?) power which, in the absence of other means (e.g. mechanical, chemical), the ultimate (i.e. smallest) 'building blocks' of the Universe must of necessity possess in relation to each other for the Universe to exist as we know it.

(Similarly, such peculiar manifestations as men passing through solid objects (e.g. walls), feeling no pain, and (possibly) becoming invisible, etc., might then be explicable in terms of the control of such power(s) (and/or communication) in and between these 'building blocks', rather than in terms of (for example) hypnosis.

Would this control be restricted to the personal body of the controller?)


Sunday 25 May 2014

{Psychical Research}[11th November 1975]

[Redbook2:73][19751111:2116 ]{Psychical Research}[11th November 1975]

11th November 1975



(Partly revised.)

There seems to be a 'self-destruct' mechanism built into research on psychic phenomena. It runs something like this:

(1) Serious researchers claim positive results in relatively carefully-controlled psychic research;

(2) Credulous would-believers set up similar but relatively uncontrolled experiments in psychic research;

(3) Hoaxers and notoriety-seekers produce 'rigged' 'positive' results for (2);

(4) Credulous would-believers publicise claimed positive results in (3);

(5) Serious publications and authorities treat all claims with neutrally equal seriousness;

(6) Hoaxers and notoriety-seekers, and thus would-believers, are exposed by opponents of psychic concept[s] (and by 'neutrals');

(7) Original and positive results claimed by serious researchers suffer the odium of (6), and are 'forgotten', particularly by the embarrassed serious publications and authorities in (5).


Saturday 24 May 2014

{Indivisibility of Government}[20th October 1975]

[Redbook2:72A][19751020:0000]{Indivisibility of Government}[20th October 1975]

20th October 1975


[The Times] report[s] ([on] Monday October 20th) Mr. Short, the Leader of the House of Commons, as saying in his message to his Constituency: “We are not impressed by demands for the resignation of Barbara Castle from people in the medical profession who are never likely to have voted for her – or the Labour Party – in the first place.”.

There was a time when Parliament (and therefore the Government) was believed to represent the interests of the whole people of the United Kingdom – and when a Member was generally thought to be elected to represent all the inhabitants of his constituency, not merely those who elected him. There was a time when a remark such as Mr. Short's would not have been allowed to pass without comment in [The Times] newspaper and elsewhere.

The good government of any Nation-State as a whole is indivisible. While allowance must be made for change, a government which by word or action refuses even to recognise the real interest of any person or group within the Nation-State looses its moral claim to govern the affairs of the Nation-State as a whole. It must be important, even if only for reasons of political security, to find some constitutional formula which reflects the (moral) indivisibility of good government ( – which is not to be confused with the political indivisibility or divisibility of the territory of the Nation-State).

Such incautious comments as Mr. Short's, like Mr. Healey's famous reported threat to squeeze the rich until the pips squeaked, show clearly who among our rulers feel a personal and ideological cynicism towards the people of the United Kingdom as a whole, a cynicism far more dangerous in its implications than the simple paternalism of the Conservative Party.

These and other examples of the “politics of hatred” in government are a warning to all individuals and all groups within the United Kingdom – not just to those against whom specifically they are aimed. Who shall be exempt? Or if the Governments lose their faith in the people – which is the whole people, or nothing – how shall people have faith in their Government?



Friday 23 May 2014

{The End of Days}[15th September 1975]

[Redbook2:71A][19750915:0000]{The End of Days}[15th September 1975]


'It follows, from the existence of the One and the purpose of Totality, that there may be perceived from Here two possible logical reasons for the complete ending of Here.

'The first would arise if existence Here reached a perceived state so close to that of the One that there was no point in continuing, since nothing of further value in the re-creation of the One resulted.

'The second would arise if existence Here reached such a perceived state that the nature of the One would become detrimentally affected: such a state, perhaps, of misery and suffering as contradicted the purpose of the One, and from being its justification became its negation, and therefore unable to be.'


Thursday 22 May 2014

{Destruction}[13th September 1975]

[Redbook2:71C][19750913:0000]{Destruction}[13th September 1975]


'Destruction is not merely the end of Creation, but its beginning. Neither can continue without the other.'


{Space}[12th September 1975]

[Redbook2:70][19750912:1845]{Space}[12th September 1975]


Similar basic considerations apply to the ‘present’ dimensions of Here – say, length breadth and height – which, if applied to the Totality, run up against the same equal inconceivability of, on the one hand, a finite Totality (what lies beyond?) and, on the other hand, an infinite Totality.

The only conceivable solution is to regard these dimensions as more of the Limits on us, so that whether Here is finite or infinite from our viewpoint becomes of little importance against the knowledge that for the Totality as a 'whole', there are no such dimensions: save within created limits such as ours; Space does not exist, and the concept of 'Space' does not occur.


Tuesday 20 May 2014

{Time [continued]}[8th September 1975]

[Redbook2:69-70][19750908:1443]{Time [continued]}[8th September 1975]


But the nature of causation itself in such a Totality without Time, although not inconceivable, is mind-boggling: perhaps ‘natural’ causation (within our Order) is wholly or partly ‘reversed’, so that what we would understand to be the cause of an event (or situation – I am not sure of the distinction, if any, in such a Totality) becomes its justification.

The necessity to avoid conflict (as we would see it), avoided in our Space by the limits and mechanism of causation, can only be resolved by the existence of the Totality as One.

Our existence – the existence of Here, i.e. our Space – may then be accounted for as a justification of some alteration (or situation) (other than our own existence) in the essential nature of Totality.


Monday 19 May 2014

{Time}[8th September 1975]

[Redbook2:69-70][19750908:1443]{Time}[8th September 1975]


As we paused at Westminster station on the Underground train home the other day, was suddenly overcome ( --how contrived!-- ) by terror at the prospect of a Creation or Totality without Time – the only solution I can see to the equal inconceivability of a Totality with beginning and end and of a Totality without beginning and end (The possibility of having one but not the other is not worth separate concern). Time then is one of the Limits around us; and it is possible to conceive of our Universe (or Space) as being subject to its own inner causation (and hence unpredictability except in terms of that causation) as viewed from within; but the whole – extent and duration – perceived at once from Outside.



Sunday 18 May 2014

{Rules}[3rd September 1975]

[Redbook2:68F][19750903:0000b]{Rules}[3rd September 1975]


‘That having been said, certain rules of procedure here laid down are essential to the preservation of the purity of this core.’


Friday 16 May 2014

{Belief}[3rd September 1975]

[Redbook2:68E][19750903:0000a]{Belief}[3rd September 1975]


‘Awareness of the existence of the One, and belief in the purpose of Totality, is the whole and sole core; and it is for each Man, of his own mind and will, to decide for himself whether he take this core, or leave it.

‘All else is supposition, in which, so far as this core is concerned, no man need feel bound to the interpretation of any other person or organisation.’


{All is One}[3rd September 1975]

[Redbook2:68E][19750903:0000]{All is One}[3rd September 1975]


            ‘Two views of Totality are inherent in its nature. 

‘Here, Totality must be seen as All: of which the One is the part, and of which Here is the rest.

            ‘But the One is All – All is One – Totality is One – a part of which – Here – is set apart, by limitations.’


Thursday 15 May 2014

{Death}[2nd September 1975]

[Redbook2:68D][19750902:0000]{Death}[2nd September 1975]


            ‘Death is the consummation of Life, the fusion of Awareness with and within the One.  Yet there is no general duty on any Man to seek Death: since only through the fulfilment of Life here is the Purpose achieved, and the Totality justified, in the Creation of the One.

            ‘Do not fear Death when it comes; look straight to any who are about you, and say to All:
            “We are One:
            “I am One.”’


Wednesday 14 May 2014

{Totality}[6th July 1975]

[Redbook2:68C][19750706:0000]{Totality}[6th July 1975]

‘Awareness of the One is compatible with the deific aspects of most religious systems of this World.  It is possible, at least as far as the tenet of the Totality – the core – is concerned, to be a member of an orthodox religious sect and yet to be aware of the One as the All, either as, or beyond, the Deity to whom one subscribes.

            ‘It should therefore be clearly stated that given the tenet of the Totality here set out and so far as interpretation of or derivation or development from that Tenet is concerned, each Person is equal within the All, being his own Master, 
and although any Person may feel free to advise, no one may presume to impose, and none should feel bound to accept as such, any particular interpretation of or derivation or development from the tenet of Totality, as against that tenet as it stands alone.’


Tuesday 13 May 2014

[Possibilities][6th July 1975]

[Redbook2:68B][19750706:0000][Possibilities][6th July 1975]


‘First of all, a visible framework,
geographical and institutional,
for living within, or from.

‘Second, a framework of ethics,
A guide to relationships and action,
For living by, or in relation to.

‘Third, mostly unspoken, but implied,
running through all and within all and including all,
a purpose, a belief, for living aware of, or for.’

-- from “Sleeping Car Express”.


Monday 12 May 2014

{Locality Plan}[1st July 1975]

[Redbook2:68A][19750701:0000]{Locality Plan}[1st July 1975][Aged 24]


(1 square mile = 640 acres)

Each Parish Village
c.700 houses =            c.350 acres
+ common services      c.150 acres max.
                                    c.500 acres

Each Borough District
            = 50 Parish Villages = c.25,000 acres (i.e. c.39 square miles?)
                                                                        (= c. 6 miles by 6 miles)

Britain = c. 55m acres (c. 90,000 square miles)

(1) Present population of c. 50+m in c.25,000 Parishes [of c.2000 px] in c. 500 Hundred Districts
gives average area per District of
c.100,000 acres
(or c.180 square miles – i.e. c. 13 miles by 13 miles) (25,000 [acres] built on).
(c.1/4th of land of GB is ‘built’ on) (now c. 1/10th).

(2) Future possible population of c.100m in c.50,000 Parishes in c.1,000 Districts
(in even [= equal] urban-rural ratio)
gives 500 Boroughs of 25,000 acres (i.e. c.39 sq. miles [see above])
= c.12,500,000 acres (i.e. c.19,500 sq. miles)
and 500 Hundreds to fill 42,500,000 acres (c.70,500 sq. miles)
giving each Hundred c.85,000 acres (/c.141 sq. miles)(i.e. c.12 miles by 12 miles)
(of which c.25,000 acres built on)
i.e. (c.1/2 of land of GB is built on => this extra 50,000,000
(if at all) must be housed on land reclaimed from Sea, etc.

55,000,000   [GB]
12,500,000   [urban]
42,500,000   [rural][acres]

90,000   [GB]
19,500   [urban]
70,500   [rural][square miles]

*<inserted 951029>


Sunday 11 May 2014

[Tena in Araby][27th March 1975]

[Redbook2:67A-B][19750327:1950][Tena in Araby][27th March 1975]


Tena in Araby

Glittering pinnacles
Staggering into the Sky:
Concrete rulers and
Sheer crenellations
Shimmer against the blue.

Deus, Machina,
Which of the forces am I?
Where in the World do I spring
Or within?

Sun-baked Arabia,
Renaissance under the Sand:
The richest beggars of Gaia
Die in your view.

In the cool of the courtyard
Water sprinkles the air:
In our silence the song of the fountain,
Our love, is our lives.

My love lying with me,
Fairest of all in her joy:
Child of Crusaders,
Love in her nakedness
Clutches my heartstrings,
Binding our hearts into one –
We are bound.


Saturday 10 May 2014

[Laura][27th March 1975]

[Redbook2:67C-F][19750327:1805][Laura][27th March 1975]



‘You know I’d love to sleep with you –
Which needn’t mean within you, love,
But loving you, though not “in love”,
To share my secret nights with you:
To lie with you, love, sweetest girl,
And, loving you, to know your warmth –
We may or may not lie within –
It doesn’t matter: soon we may.
But as for now, there’s no more time.’
He stoops, and kisses her again.
‘Don’t twist yourself with loving, love:
This candle isn’t worth the game.
I love you dearly, never doubt,
Nor that I need your love; but don’t
Exclude the World; And nor shall I.’
He takes her hand, and holds it close.
‘I value no one more than you.’

The girl sits silent, watching him
With sad clear eyes, but quiet, calm.
Her pale hands on her faded jeans
Lie open now, as holding air
That pours between her fingers and
Her slender, girlish thighs, and goes.

‘If anyone should come’ he says
‘Tell them you don’t know who I am.
I picked you up, and now I’ve gone.’

‘Where are you going?’ Laura asks.

‘Out of the Country.’ Michael says.
‘I’ll show myself, to keep you clear,
Before I lose them somewhere else.’

‘Thank you for helping me.’ she says.

‘Hoots, it was nothing, and repaid.
Repay me more, love: be my friend,
Which I’ll repay by being yours.’

‘I wish I could love like you say.’
She says. ‘I really wish I could.
My love’s possessive: it excludes.
I’d gladly have you here and now
But only so’s I’d keep you close,
Excluding others, loving you.
It’s human nature to exclude.’

‘Then I’m not human.  But I am!
Don’t think I don’t know how you feel.
Perhaps it’s female nature more?
I don’t know. But I do know this:
Most people loving do exclude.
Most people marry to exclude.
At first, exclusion’s very nice.
But later on they tend to find
Exclusive marriage ain’t enough;
But they can’t see another way
So many marriages break down
Lacking a middle way between
Exclusion and unfaithfulness.

‘Each of us has a middle way
Which each must find before he weds.
Most couples need a middle way,
For love and happiness to live.
Having only those you’ll wed
Could get you very deeply hurt;
Having every one you meet
Could make you bored, and maybe cold.
One shouldn’t generalise: it might,
And then again it mightn’t. Well,
I’m sorry, going on like this!
I must go, or I may get caught.
Horrors! I’d have to…. Must be off!
I’ll get in touch within the month,
I hope, and tell you what to do –
If you still want to help.’

                                    ‘I do.’

‘Laura, before I go,
I’ll love you just as much as now
When you’ve got married to a bloke
Who cares for you as much as I.
That’s even if your middle way
Won’t let me sleep with you at all!
Goodbye, love.’ So he kisses her,
And takes his coat into the street.


Friday 9 May 2014

[Survival][14th March 1975]

[Redbook2:66B][19750314:2145][Survival][14th March 1975]



All the rhythm
Leaves my being
All experience
Leaves existence
All awareness
Leaves my Soul.
Creeping dullness
Covers living,
Blunts the edges,
Damps the Fire;
Salt and Sawdust
Fills the Well.


Let there be no
Further moaning:
I will fight to
Keep my balance;
Though I must ride
Several horses,
If I fall, I’ll
Fall the right side!      



Thursday 8 May 2014

[Chancery][14th March 1975]

[Redbook2:66A][19750314:0000][Chancery][14th March 1975]



Twisted men
With twisted, nervous mind:
Insensitive perception,
Insecure, self-sensitive
But not for others,
Blindly seeking weakness,
Tears defences,
Grinds resistance,
Loosens bonds, to bind;

Analysis, mishandled
In the cause of nothing,
By pointless intellect
Of empty brilliance
And bitter wit;

Amoral duty –
Or, morals less Compassion –
Defined; high-principled,
Low-dealing, middle-moving,
All noting, nothing seeing,
Hired bruisers of the Pit.



Wednesday 7 May 2014

{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]: Declaration of Dependence}[20th September 1974]

[Redbook2:64A-D][19741023:0000]{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]: Declaration of Dependence}[23rd October 1974]


(1) Every Government, whether democracy or dictatorship, is utterly dependent on the acquiescence of the overwhelming majority of its people. That acquiescence is only obtained through a combination of persuasion and threats. Whether the threats be threats of the force of the Law, or of the torture chamber, or concerning the enemies of the Government, they must be accompanied by persuasion that the Government's interest is the interest of the people.

Once that acquiescence is lost, the Government is finished.

(2) Since the overwhelming majority of your [i.e. Rhodesia's] citizens are of a different racial group to that of the Government, it is only necessary for the relevant threats and persuasion to cease to have effect on that Sector (the majority) of your people for the Government to fall.

(i) So, for example, the fear that Sector has of the enemies of the Government may lead to those enemies posing a greater actual threat to that sector than does the Government's Law, with obvious consequences.

(ii) But equally, if that Sector's fear of the enemies of the Government becomes too little to give rise to a threat by those enemies to that Sector, then only the Government's Law will stand as a political threat to that Sector on the Government's behalf.

(iii) Where the only threat to that Sector comes from the Government, persuasion that the Government and that Sector share the same interests becomes, over a period, very difficult – especially in this case of a different racial group, since race is a strong factor in giving rise to identity of interest.

(iv) It is then only necessary to add persuasion on that Sector by the enemies of the Government, coupled with occasional discreet threats, to convince many members of that Sector that their interests are the interests of those enemies of the Government.

(v) This leads quickly to a complex organisation in an urban context, which is exceptionally difficult to root out (c.f. Ulster: 50 active IRA, 500 supporters, 5,000 Security Forces, ?1,000,000 potential IRA supporters, c.2,000,000+ population).

(vi) Thus the Government once again loses the initiative in persuasion, whereupon the same threat of the Government's Law becomes counter-productive, leading to greater identity of the enemies of that Government with the needs of that Sector.

(3) At this stage – in the urban context – an effective alternative government arises for that Sector. Where the Government does very little for the average citizen of that Sector from day to day (e.g. in welfare benefits), the average citizen has little to lose by co-operation with the 'alternative government' – especially if it provides a form of such benefits itself. Thus the legitimate Government is effectively excluded from that Sector.

(4) Once the urban Sector is so organised, the rural Sector is likely to fall in with the urban Sector's policies through threat (the urban sector and its citizens being by now a larger threat to the rural Sector than is the Government and its Sector) and through persuasion – of identity of interest, on a racial basis.

(5) Once this happens (and probably even before the rural Sector transfers its allegiance) the Government will utterly lose control.

(6) Once the Government loses control, in this manipulated racial context, it is finished.

(7) Once (or as) the Government is destroyed, the Government (or Governing) Sector of the population – the Europeans – having virtually complete identity (in the eyes of the majority Sector) with the Government itself, will also be destroyed.

There is one possible way out of this logical end. If a man of sufficient leadership – of almost messianic intensity – were already in a position of influence and power, he might succeed in uniting the two main sectors for a generation and in leaving behind him an ethos sufficient to create and preserve a stable constitutional development.

Such a man will not now appear [in Rhodesia] because
(1) the governing Sector are too frightened to allow such a man to arise, and to work freely
(2) the governed Sector and their leaders and supporters are too excited to allow such a man power and scope for reconciliation.

[PostedBlogger14072014 (by replacement at 07052014]

Tuesday 6 May 2014

{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]}[20th September 1974]

[Redbook2:65][19740920:2351]{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]}[20th September 1974]


            … interesting social life (-- I had meant to write, but I was interrupted – and am now too alcoholised and sleepy to think at all -- ) and perhaps [….]

Reading the start of some appalling American book on biblical prophecy – the Late Great Planet Earth – I became (under the affluence of incohol?!) once again subject to that intense, almost messianic sense.


Monday 5 May 2014

{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]}[20th September 1974]

[Redbook2:65][19740920:2145b]{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]}[20th September 1974]


Perhaps I am developing (or developing into?) a thematic existence:  sacrificing something of the widespread awareness of earlier years – to some extent at least, but not too much, I hope – for a greater concentration and drive in certain directions.  What are those themes or directions?  Clearly the Law is likely to take a great part in my life, although it must not dominate.  Work on Government, and politics generally, ought to play an increasing part, although who can say what will follow?  Writing in general must continue; and the counter-balance of poetry (and imagination) must not be stifled.

What of the rest?  Possibles include [QG], pursuit of happiness and an …


Sunday 4 May 2014

{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]}[19th September 1974]

[Redbook2:63-64][19740919:2145c]{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]}[19th September 1974]



(Written in Viscount aeroplane)



Saturday 3 May 2014

{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]}[19th September 1974]

[Redbook2:63][19740919:2145b]{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]}[19th September 1974]





Friday 2 May 2014

{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]}[19th September 1974]

[Redbook2:61-63][19740919:2145a]{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]}[19th September 1974]





Thursday 1 May 2014

{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]}[19th September 1974]

[Redbook2:61][19740919:2145]{A Trip to the Colonies [continued]}[19th September 1974]



