Tuesday 29 January 2013

{Superman}[4th April 1970]

[Redbook1:138A][19700404:0000]{Superman}[4th April 1970]


                                    Bargains!  Bargains!  Ours are Greater
                                    Ten pence Off In Every Pound!
                                    For your Wants we Aim To Cater
                                    -- Just Walk In and Wander Round!

                                    Please yourself -- no obligation
                                    (Meat is Cut and Blouses Slashed!)
                                    We have Goods from Every Nation
                                    (Pants are Down and Records Smashed!)

                                    Everywhere our Superbargains
                                    Catch your eye and tease your mind
                                    (She, who sees ahead thus far, gains
                                    Thus on He, who lags behind).

                                    Beans – a ninepence tin for eightpence
                                    -- Buy Two-forty, save a Pound
                                    -- Red Hair Ribbon, save a ha’pence
                                    -- Buy Now, Save, and Shop Around!

                                    Knicks and Knacks and Bits and Pieces,
Pile on Frill and Furbelow,
Smooth the dents, conceal the creases,
Paint the dirt, On with the Show!

Things you didn’t think you needed
Things which now you know you do
Things to make you – while you’re bleeded
-- Be a super, Superyou!


                                    Processed food for processed people.
                                    Serve yourself for greedy child.
                                    Pay at desk for pay in courtroom.
                                    Mass supply for mass demand.


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